Sunday, April 09, 2017

The Ongoing War Machine

I find it extremely timely that Facebook saw fit to include an advertisement for the Union Pacific Railroad in my newsfeed.  The major railroads in America would have us believe that the world would stop spinning if it weren't for them.  Also as the Federal Railroad Administration has been a lame duck like the now defunct EPA under Donald Trump, the railroads have created ad campaigns that suggest their industry is a pinnacle of conservation.  Norfolk Southern has come up with a paint scheme to suggest they actually care about traffic fatalities related to grade crossings.  Locomotives are not green, and never will they be.  Locomotives burn fossil fuels which creates global warming.  I suggest this.  President Obama was in favor of a carbon emission tax.  Air burning industries such as the airlines and railroads burn the earths oxygen at an alarming rate for free.  With each and every tree that is felled in the name of progress (urban sprawl), there is less oxygen left for us to breathe.  Why should these industries be allowed to burn the earth's naturally made oxygen for free?  Of course our automobiles do the same, but they do not produce 4,400 horsepower.  If the FRA actually did their job by policing the railroads for wrongdoing, then it would become apparent what a rogue industry they are.  Now freight has become Fortune 500, hence no one cares how their practices effect conservation.  It's all about the bottom line for the shareholder.  America's armed forces no longer are for our national defense.  They are to protect the interests of corporations who seek to imperialize the world.  America is in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Syria for their natural resources.  Any other reason is absurd.  It will not be long before our military will be turned on the citizens of America.  Heroin use and subsequent overdoses have risen exponentially in the last two years, as America's military tools up to begin a war with North Korea.  In North Carolina alone heroin use has flourished as high school drop outs train to kill.  We do not know who the enemy is.  Is is Putin?  Is it Assad?  Is it ISIS?  American corporations abroad are orchestrating the insurgency to destabilize the world and capitalize on the ensuing chaos.  Cheney comes to mind.  When 50,000 men and women are training with weapons of mass destruction a few miles from our homes, churches, and schools, it is difficult to muster up the Christian faith of the Easter season.  It is difficult to find a positive emotion without the artificial aid of alcohol, drugs, or sexual activity.  If our natural environment is stripped of its God-given ability to create peace and harmony for the human race and instead practices war on a daily basis, then it should be no surprise that anodynes are needed to make it through the day.  When returning troops land at Fort Bragg, the trauma they experience is not dealing with their past deployment.  It is dealing with the war machine rumbling underground at Fort Bragg.