Wednesday, August 03, 2016

The Mortality Industry

I would like to attempt to summarize the empty shell that has become America.  When I wake I must realize and then understand drugs are marketed for monetary gain.  Their exorbitant exaggeration of worth personified by price to the consumer both is insulting and criminal, but it continues.  The FDA has implemented a policy whereby a prescription only is valid for one year necessitating a return visit to a doctor needed or not.  Eyeglasses are under this blanket ensuring a doctor will be compensated without the choice of the consumer who uses his product.  While prescription drug abuse is rampant and majorly the fault of irresponsible and fraudulent physicians, why should consumers pay the price for their contrition? Are we priests?  It is because America no longer is a democratic republic.  Instead we are a corrupt, fascist, oligarchy.  The corporation General Electric with their manufacturing, sale, and continued promotion of the now omnipresent 7FDL diesel prime mover has all but destroyed the goodness of the human race.  In the hands of Appalachian sodomites lies the psychology of America.  Their influence is known daily by senseless, unexplained, unmitigated murder.  When a lowly Amtrack engineer moves his lever without regard for the pollution he alone creates, three things happen.  Pressurization occurs in our atmosphere making what once were easy tasks difficult.  Heat occurs.  The power grid unnecessarily is taxed depriving the consumer again of his democratic process, receiving a fair product for which he pays.  It is America's common thread.  The consumer pays, and the consumer pays "the man" to mitigate his failures of professional ethics.  What socioeconomic system does this, paying the corrupt in the name of democracy?  Russia.  America's gradually implemented robbing of the American people has replaced the America that once was, economic mobility and thus freedom.   I have to experience this scenario each day I rise.  I live in a country that chokes the life from its populace for the gain of an elite few.  Television once was the core of American culture leads the war terrorizing us with insolence, immaturity, amateurism, and glorification of the ignorant.  There no longer are programs, only infomercials about the drugs that are tempting the weak and fueling the rich.  Like cigarette advertisements which were removed from television in a social movement in the l970's, so too should be removed harmful drug advertisements. They should be reserved for the physicians who should be required to navigate their fraud.  Instead of paying physicians to cover their mistakes and get rich, require them do their job at an unfair wage like the rest of the country.  Mortality has become the new socioeconomic system of America.