Wednesday, December 09, 2015

"One Ringy Dingy.... Two Ringy Dingies.... (Set it on the Porch)

About the recent slew of porch thefts.  With the economy staid, and America's money sitting in individual billionaire checking accounts overseas, it should be no surprise that the desperate are lifting what must be the easiest dupe available.  It was not that long ago before mass internet commerce carriers did the unthinkable.  They rang your doorbell and waited for you to answer to accept your package.  Suddenly like many things in America, that protocol has disappeared.  Carriers are covering their bases.  When a problem arises from new mass internet commerce, suddenly Brown feels not liable.  It has not been a traditional practice to pile packages on your doorstep in full view of passing traffic!  [sic]  NOT.  It was not long ago carriers were not in such a hurry to amass billions of dollars going straight into individual billionaire checking accounts.  Once in America the wealth managed to distribute fairly evenly before internet commerce, before the iPhone, and before slovenly millennials.  I am not suggesting slovenly millennials are responsible for the porch thefts, either by refusing to ring someone's doorbell and wait for an answer, or by actually stealing the available packages themselves.  I am saying, "What the @#$%?"  What America is this?  It didn't take long before a class action lawsuit beset itself upon Uber.  All I can say is,  "Ah!"  They had it coming.  Shame on Brown for assuming no liability for their stolen packages.  Shame on right wing media for making Trump a fascist, although he may be.  It is good to be aware of America's enemies, although we no longer are the same America.  Possibly we have grown into a nation of fascism.  Glimpses back to the original Cold War like the Berlin Wall are telling in reminding America freedom only is a generation away.  We all ready have lost much of it to billionaire internet commerce moguls.  While I detest the idea of trusts, such as the railroads in America's history, a trust can be a way to trust things good such as film.  Selling your Hollywood movie studio to Japan or China for billions instead of intrusting it to those beneath you.... well that has been the monumental failure of the Baby Boomer generation.  Never before have I witnessed such entitlement.  Control, power, wealth, and happiness all careening into the grave leaving a gaping hole in America's culture.  Why are they so resistant handing the reigns to the children?  Why are the children of Baby Boomers dying while taking care of their aging parents?   Music once was symbolic of American culture.  It was symbolic of ideology, sentiment, and hope.  Music was the essence of American humanity.  Miley Cyrus twerking.  Justin Biber schnerking.  Adele losing (the popularity contest.)  Still America is in high school, and always it has been.  My decayed molar looks like a miniature oriental dragon.  It also looks like the raised clinched fist of black power, although it is ivory-colored.  My wisdom tooth looks like a cornucopia.  Somehow these dead teeth are symbolic of something.  The cornucopia murdered the oriental dragon, from the inside out.  You could not see the murder, until it was uncovered by a competent oral surgeon.  It was amazing that such a battle took place in my mouth clandestinely making me ill for over half a year.  Who knew?  I do now.