Thursday, May 14, 2015

Trying To Sober Up

Life is sobering.  I believe I have had a privileged life.  I have had the life of a musical artist.  I have had fun.  I have created great music.  I have loved, and I have failed.  There is something about being a great musician that allows one to transcend life's bullshit.  It's that thing.  It's mojo.  It's a kind of magic.  I have lost touch with it, because for all intents and purposes in America, that thing is gone.  It used to happen in jazz clubs.  The jazz club is an anachronism, because we never taught millennials about this feeling.  They do things in their own way, and it all is based upon the swiping of a finger on a touchscreen.  Television now imitates this computer interface.  It is the new face of America.  Everything has to look like this flashy interface.  Many people may not know that Apple stole their point and click interface from Zerox.  It was a graphics interface.  Apple has done well fusing their machine into popular culture.  It used to be computer people were nerds.  Now everyone is a nerd, and they don't even know it.  It is because Apple figured out how to dupe everyone into believing they are hip for being self-centered, antisocial, and inhuman.  How could I possibly say antisocial with the plethora of websites devoted to social media?  It is a real conundrum.  While the world thinks they are hip for using high tech devices, really their behavior is quite inhuman.  People are self-centered, because they would rather stare at the palms than talk to a person.  They have forgotten how.  There are ad's on television that parody the modern family communicating at the dinner table via iPhones and iPads.  Apple is laughing all the way to the bank.  I used to be a fan of the Macintosh.  I have two, but they don't feel the same to me now.  What used to be hip was intelligent.  What is hip now is nerdy.  Apple took the wanna be's and made them think they were hip.  It was an effective ruse.  It is driving today's American economy.  Eventually it is going to run out.  Without human substance and an acknowledgement of the humanities as a legitimate philosophy of life, we are going nowhere.  Apple is laughing all the way to the bank.