Friday, May 01, 2015

Being Shat On

It's interesting living in a town upon which you are shat.  Daily I am shat upon.  Today I was shat upon by Time/Warner Cable.  Even after changing our service to Direct TV, we needed to return Time/Warner's equipment.  I had forgotten it was the first day of the month, and it turned out to be in the middle of the afternoon on a Friday.  Not good odds for wait times.  I had a large box of cable paraphernalia including two cable boxes, five remote controls, two adapters, and their AC power supplies.  It was a heavy box.  We could not even get into the room.  The line was backed up into the foyer, and there was no room left in it.  I had a large box with which to fumble.  We bailed, because Time/Warner does not have the courtesy to provide its customers with a facility that can handle its subscriptions.  The same is true with the DMV.  North Carolina or Fayetteville in particular do not have the respect to provide their customers with a facility that can handle their load.  It is demeaning to be shat upon with no alternative.  It feels a little like slavery.  These oversights of our civil liberties have become common, because the wealthy control America.  If you own a home in a particular town, how upon which can you be shat?  You could have unpleasant neighbors.  Check.  You could....  what?  You could have pollution.  People die of cancer in Fayetteville in disproportionate numbers.  A friend of mine died of lung cancer in her early twenties.  Many musician friends of mine have died of cancer.  My uncle died of liver cancer.  My cousin has cancer which started in her breasts and spread.  People die of cancer in Fayetteville in disproportionate numbers.  Camp Lejeune located in Jacksonville, North Carolina had a problem with cancer deaths.  It seems they had been dumping toxic chemicals including trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, and benzene into the water table.  These in turn contaminated the bases water supply making many people ill.  It is well known the the water from the Cape Fear River contains toxins, but overseeing governmental agencies seem to have no interest.  Always it has been of interest to me as I have learned more about Fayettenam, that large plants exist here located conveniently on the Cape Fear River.  Both DuPont and DAK, producers of polyester resin, are situated near the Cape Fear.  There are others including America's largest privately owned company, Cargill.  Why are all of these plants situated on the banks of the Cape Fear?  I don't worry about the water that much, because I drink bottled water like most people in America.  Once there was a time when clean drinking water was provided to us a citizens of America.  Then they chose to sell it to us at a cost.  While I am relatively positive water from the Cape Fear is a mess, it doesn't concern me.  What concerns me is another kind of pollution which has continued unnoticed for years.  Because you cannot see something does not mean it does not exist.  You can see aircraft flying low above the trees in Fayettenam, and they are annoying.  They are not annoying because you can see them.  They have become annoying in a much more invasive manner.  Not only can you hear the aggravating gurgle of the plane engines droning incessantly for hours at a time, you can feel their vibration.  It is not well known that less than a mile from our neighborhood sits The Department of Homeland Security.  Innocuously they are contained in an unmarked building nestled across the street from a local middle school.  The Fayetteville Observer has reported that the annoying aircraft belong to them.  I researched it a bit, and their fleet contains Beechcraft Kingair 350's, which are equipped with a complex surveillance and date collection package.  I can feel this.  Not only do these planes create tinnitus in my left ear, I can feel the vibrating pressure on my skin.  It is not unlike the vibrating pressure produced by diesel-electric locomotives operated by the A&R, Norfolk Southern, and CSX-T.  They all operate with impunity.  They do whatever the hell they want 24/7.  More trains run in the wee hours of the night than do during the day, or at least I can hear them better.  What bothers me is that they are unregulated.  They pretty much do whatever they please, and screw the citizens of Fayetteville.  The act as though 4000 horsepower of diesel prime mover is an untraceable machine, but just the opposite.  We all know when they are here, and we all suffer.  We suffer from all of the symptoms about which people have been complaining since, the railroads went nuts with cargo shipping.  Difficulty concentrating, fatigue, physical pain, and negative thoughts.  I remember when railroading in Fayetteville was at a minimum, and more importantly I remember how good I used to feel.  Now I feel like shat.