Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Deja Vu, Clinton vs. Bush?
I have quite a few things on my mind today. First and foremost we in America know that our media has become a dishonest and misleading pawn of evil. What once was quality journalism in America now is paltry hearsay. You can't believe anything you hear or see on television, because George Orwell's Big Brother is hard at work spinning the truth. No matter how much I try to ignore this reality, put on a cheery face, and continue with my life always I am forced in a corner doubting my own moral and ethical values. I know I am a good person, yet often I feel persecuted. It is when I feel persecuted I must write to clear my head. One specific thing occurred to me last night after watching Denzel Washington and Russel Crowe act in the film American Gangster. If soldiers at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina were smuggling drugs in from Viet Nam during the war, why would they not be doing the same thing from Afghanistan? Often throughout the Bush years and now with a different president who abruptly changed is opinion about mandatory troop withdrawals ending these wars, I cannot help but know there are underlying reasons. It is not difficult to understand an economy of war. One only has to think about Dick Cheney and his heinous warmongering company Haliburton. "The government destroys it in the name of whatever, and we will rebuild it for a price." It is a common American sentiment. Many believe war is good for a country. One only has to look at America's debt to feel otherwise. Still it seems no one seems to understand why our economy will not revive itself. It is simple. The values we once held dear as both human beings and Americans are not the same. Today we value cellular phones above anything. As the angels spoke softly to each other in heaven all they could say is the new arrivals could only stumble around silently looking at their palms. It is a shite state of affairs. We no longer are human. We are brainwashed androids created by corporate America allowing the rich to get richer with the influx of drugs into the United States. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan offer a tried and true conduit for illicit poppies to be smuggled into America. After all it all ready has been tested and utilized. Always I knew that this greatly expanding military presence at Ft. Bragg was based upon something. Certainly it is not around America's security. It has been spun that terrorism is our concern, and hence a great facade has been manufactured justifying this ridiculous presence of ignorant servicemen. GI's always have been jar heads and I see no change. I have seen a huge change in salary justifying the deaths of soldiers in the overseas wars. I have seen the military absolutely falter with the same problems we face as a nation. These problems are exacerbated after serving in active wars, witnessing murderous brutality, and returning to the same problems that face each and every other American citizen. We all are struggling. Until we solve the problems at home, returning soldiers do not stand a chance. This is what motivated Timothy McVey to enact genocide in Oklahoma City. He was disenchanted upon returning to America after his service in the U.S. military. We should thank our holy stars more of these events have not transpired. The powers at be fully are keeping mum about soldiers problems upon returning home. I only ask myself where are the drugs coming from? In an ABC news story soldiers candidly spoke about the availability of drugs in close proximity to the base. They site Interstate I-95 as the source, but I disagree. While it conspicuously will sound like a conspiracy theory, there is a reason why we still are involved in these wars. It is not ISIL. The very notion of a third Bush running for the white house sickens my stomach. Further it sickens me more acknowledging another dough boy thinks he has even a remote possibility of winning with a brother who will go down in history as the worst U.S. president of all time. It prompts me to remember that I was a Hillary supporter before I was an Obama supporter. It also prompts me to recant some of the realities of Bill Clinton's presidency. I supported Mr. Clinton. I was enrolled in graduate school at The Ohio State when he ran. During his two terms as president America was a better place. The things he said and did for the most part made sense to me. Like many presidents it only is in the years following their terms that the shit hits the fan. Mr. Clinton was responsible for quite a few problems that still are here today. First and foremost the auctioning of wireless frequencies for cell phone use was a mistake. The FCC always has known these microwave frequencies are dangerous to human health, yet still we persist in erecting microwave heaters wherever possible. Science is blaming the burning of fossil fuels for global warming. Certainly this is true, but putting microwave transmitters atop towers all over the country is not prudent nor is their effect on the American psyche. We could not resist the temptation. When Armegeddon does come, staring at one's palm is going to provide no security to the human race. The values we once embraced will. Growing food, manufacturing goods, and creating art will invigorate life. What was positive about Bill Clinton's presidency was that racism and segregation were less of an issue than they are today. As I reflect upon attending two recent concert in Fayetteville, North Carolina, each completely and totally segregated, I can't help but remember fondly the issue of Multiculturalism. It was a cornerstone in Mr. Clinton's presidency. America really was at a high point of racial integration. While I support President Obama I can only think that his presence as the first black president has created a greater divide of race in America. It has. Never since the 1970's have I witnessed such racism in America. The senseless brutal killing of harmless black men by white police officers is unfathomable. It like the continual military presence at Ft. Bragg only suggests that we have regressed as a nation. Corruption is not in ISIL, while they are a tangible foe. Corruption is in America. It is our new mainstream. Mainstreet has become corporate America, corporate America is corrupt, and no longer is the well-being of the American people a consideration. The build up of our military only is to shield this populace from scrutiny. We have become again a military industrial complex. Until our values as a nation return to their roots the trend will continue.