Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Male Strippers

Recently a friend of mine posted to Facebook a video showing stationary exercise bicycles specifically placed in a public square.  Upon pedaling the machines a neon-like video show ensued creating a male stripper gyrating sexually in front of the machines.  The women seemed to go bizerk.  Without reservation they crawl aboard the machines and begin pedaling feverishly fueling the male burlesque image.  While the flash mob building projection may have been effective selling French mineral water, I question the women's response.  How can such a private sexual response be triggered so quickly and effectively in public?  Why and how would pedestrians bite so easily on a wormed hook?  Even if the sheer novelty, entertainment, and surprise lured the onlookers in, why would women so effortlessly abandon their manners and succumb to such a low brow enticement?  Is this representative of all women?  Do all women in the dark corners of Chippendale clubs suddenly lose all composure and offer their bodies to hunky gigilos?  It is uncanny to me.  I don't believe men would react like this.  We have been so brainwashed that heterosexuality today is bad, no one would dare acknowledge that somehow their bodily chemistry is wired for such a thing.  That's the way I feel.  American society truly has changed, and homosexuality is a part of it.  Because heterosexual have failed to such great lengths does not mean that suddenly the human race has mutated.  Then again as I look at images of my favorite movies stars, I see remarkable transformations to their physical appearances.  I believe we are in an age where electromagnetic energy is so strong in our environment it is impossible to discern the difference between normal biological evolution and cancers.  Too many things are awry.  The heating of the planet, which is easy, is one.  A letter to the Iranian government from Republican legislators is another one. What is happening?  My question is how men would be accountable for such a reaction in public.  Would the viewing public find it so entertaining to see men honestly responding to a female burlesque performer in public?  Of course not.  It would be scorned, and men would be accused of being sexist.  This fight of so called equality has been going on for decades, and it is hypocritical.  I resent it that I am not allowed to show my interest and appreciation for women and the female anatomy lest being deemed sexist.  I must do it privately.  This is not how America once was.  Once the heterosexual bond between a man and a woman was the sole foundation of society.  Could it be our devolution of conscious and sensibility is somehow linked to this newly discovered movement of homosexuality?  Rather have traditional homosexuals hidden all of these years only to attempt to emerge now for some reason?  I don't understand all of it.  I respect our president's agenda for peace with Cuba, nuclear agreement with Iran, and penalizing American businesses for fraud.  It is unprecedented what Attorney General Eric Holder has achieved.  With the vengeance and savvy of a founder of this nation, he has used America's legal system for what it was intended, justice.  Effectively through prudent litigation he has punished unethical practices in our private sector.  Never before have we seen such penalties.  I was wondering why BankofAmerica suddenly closed many of their drive up windows and reduced their tellers.  It is because they are attempting to mitigate a 16.65 billion dollar penalty for their involvement in hedge funds.  Similarly the state of North Carolina has levied a 25 million dollar fine on Duke Power for their irresponsibility concerning their coal ash pond leakages.  It seems to me that America has lost all her sensibility.  The right wing Republicans almost have succeeded attempting to hide our true history, the events that have molded our national philosophy.