Saturday, October 04, 2014

We No Longer are Free

Freedom in America has gone out with the tide.  In its wake are 70,000 dead fish on the banks of the Ohio River.  Of course the drinking water drawn from this source is safe to drink for humans.  How could fish and humans be the same?  There is coal ash still in the Dan River in North Carolina.  Of course the drinking water drawn from this source is safe to drink for humans.  "Silkwood" ring a bell?  Freedom in America has gone out with the tide.  What does that really mean?  What that really means is no one gives a rat's ass about the common man in America.  Freedom has gone out with the tide.  Do you really believe anyone has got your back?  Let's get rid of drinkable tap water and sell Americans bottled water instead.  Let's take every conceivable earned American freedom, abolish it, and sell it back to the American people for a profit.  Capitalism.  Gotta love it.  Where has this breakdown occurred?  Who is it that is supposed to look out for this common man?  That pattern has ebbed and flowed in American history.  Most quintessentially Franklin Delano Roosevelt possibly best represents this entity.  Is that the sole responsibility of America's president?  It seems this leader bears a variety of responsibilities.  He is the Commander and Chief.  Being the highest ranking officer of America's military doesn't necessarily mean they have the best interest of the common man in mind.  We would hope so.  In the definition of Capitalism is there anywhere that states we as citizens and patriots are required to give a rat's ass about our neighbors?  I think not.  That language is reserved for religious dogma.  "Love thy neighbor as thyself."  It seems to me Socialism [sic] encompasses such an ideal.  "Socialist!"  Rednecked Republican Americans wield this term vivaciously against current President Obama.  In reality this contingency is redefining the American populace, or perhaps just clarifying that the populace doesn't care about their fellow man.  What would be the benefit of that?  Oh, is it perhaps that Capitalism doesn't work unless citizens spend money?  (Like now.)  Since the "Financial Crisis" (or rather the fleecing of the American people by Wall Street) Americans have not had enough excess cash really to spend.  Why is this?  It is because all of that money swiped with hedge funds is sitting idle in banks.  The unreliable media is reporting that the super wealthy are too tired to spend the money.  Thus it sits idle in banks both domestic and afar.  Capitalism only works if money flows through the system.  Workers must earn, and then they must spend.  The "capital" freely flows between parties.  Hoarding money like junk is a perilous plight.  It sits stagnant like a pile of garbage.  Mold and algae will grow on it until it deteriorates into nothingness.  Enter "Economic Crisis of No Previous Proportions" in American history.  
Is it possible we could experience a second "Great Depression" in America?  Of course.  Of course that water is safe to drink.  If the economy (i.e. commercial banking) collapses, what will happen to all of that hedge fund money?  If it is not worth anything, could it still maintain its value?  Is it better to vent it now when money is needed rather than let it deteriorate in stuffy vaults?  There is a half life to each and every element.  Money could be considered an element in terms of Capitalism, since it is the most necessary ingredient.  What if it had a half life like an element?  What if it over time and devolution said money became unimportant?  After all it is not doing anything worthy.  It is sitting in a dusty vault unused.  If anarchy erupts in America and the markets collapse, than this money will be rendered worthless.  It has happened before.  Then what will become valuable?  Goods?  Services?  Food?  Energy?  Skills?  Possibly the things that were deemed valuable when building a nation would become valuable.  America.  If all of that Wall Street-controlled money is not allocated to re-build America in the wake of her rape, what will happen?  The rapist will go to jail for eternity and never be allowed to provide restitution.   They will burn in hell fire forever.  Wouldn't it be better to restore the American system of Capitalism by re-inventing it?  I believe so.