Sunday, October 05, 2014

The Instability of our Financial Systems

The financial systems in America have been taking a beating.  Seminal corruptions have occurred not only from greed, but from irresponsibility.  It is amazing our country still is liquid and alive.  It is time to take a good look at what could transpire in our country.  If Russian hackers have been able to penetrate the systems of Target, Home Depot, and J.P. Morgan, it will not be long before other systems fall.  These will include those of our state and federal governments.  Our banks all ready have failed, but if they do again how with a 16 trillion dollar debt will the FDIC pay back tax payers lost dollars?  We all ready have had a Great Depression. With the failing of the North American Free Trade Agreement we have witnessed the collapse of the Mexican peso.  I smell a second crisis not far in the future.  It would be as easy as dipping one's hand into America's coffer and handing it to Wall Street cronies on the eve of your departure from the American presidency.  You could allot the rest of the TARP funds to the incoming President, and let him take the heat for supporting a Tea-Party-creating "Stimulus."  It would be easy for Russian hackers to infiltrate our banking systems and simply drain our money away.  The federal government simply then could cry wolf.  Then again, do we as Americans even have any money?  I guess the answer really is, "No."  The wealth in the world certainly is not held in American banks.  That would be stupid.  They are sheltered in Grand Cayman and Switzerland.  I guess they are immune from such a cyber attack.  It wouldn't be such a strain for the federal government to reimburse its citizens in case of such a crisis.  Do we really trust these banks?  My bank of which I have had the same account for thirty three years, recently was fined eighteen billion dollars by America's Justice Department.  That does not instill a sense of security in me.  It has been common in history to loose everything.  Is that really an option?  Do we have the financial security in America to assure this will not happen?  We were happy enough to bail out American car manufacturers, but they for the most part made good and repaid their loans.  How will the American people do it?  We don't make cars.  We don't sell hedge funds.  We are not investment bankers.  If our hard-earned money is squandered or stolen by Russian cyber hackers, what will happen?  It would be a surprising shite state affairs.  With this in mind is is easy to understand Doomsday Preppers.  I don't necessarily mean the television program.  Mark Pitcavage has been monitoring extremist militias in America for years through his Military Watchdog website.  (now archived)  These particular individuals it seems no longer are of interest to the news media.  They are so selective in what they chose to report.  It has become to be what the news media decides is newsworthy, not what is of relevance to the citizens of America.  Tabloid Television.  Reality Newspaper.  Edward R. Murrow would turn over in his grave at the understanding of the American media.  Investigative reporting would need a linear approach.  It would take place over a longer period of time.  It would remain relevant.  It would be tenacious in exposing truth about American practices.  It would provide some if not all of the stability we need to re-establish a Mainstream America.  With adolescent gossip shows lobbing shit at each other and politicians, how will reality ever become known?  They are enjoying the game too much just like every other red-necked, college-football-watching, bury-your-head-in-the-sand do nothing. Of what possible interest is the Conditions of America, because all of Saul Alinsky's conditions have been met.  We have achieved a social state.  Our freedoms are gone.  The opinion of the working man is irrelevant.  Our futures are balancing on eggshells.  Who will take the fall, really?  The elite few will take their place in underground asylums, and the rest of us will fight it out tooth and nail, hand to hand, for the very survival of the human race.  It is not far in the future.  It is a bleak prospect.  We all ready have ruined the planet.  Imagine having to live off of the ruined earth.  The good thing is with Armageddon, maybe between the final fight of good versus evil and The Judgement Day, we could turn off the furnaces.  The airplanes and jets would cease to fly, the diesel trains would coast to a halt, cars would run out of gas, and we could live in peace for just a short time.  It could be glorious.