Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

As I sit here typing my hands are resting upon a custom-made quirty keyboard.  Since I learned computing skills at The Ohio State University back in the early l990's, never have I had a problem with Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.  Having been a pianist most of my life, my fingers, my hands, and my wrists nary have had a problem moving to the beat.  My hands are one of my strongest attributes.  As I watch videos of pianists on "You Tube" it is unnerving to see such unschooled piano technique.  Also it was disappointing to discover the "pop" style of piano playing.  Who knew there could be an alternate approach to the keyboard that broke every rule of good piano technique?  I should clarify that remark.  How can it break a rule if it never realized there was one?  All holds barred? Take no prisoners?  That is more appropriate for our current political environment in America.  There are no rules.  There are no traditions.  There is no history.  There is no culture.  Simply it is the rich attempting to keep their own.  I can't imagine what the populaces of differing countries think about our Congress.  John Boehner is a disgrace as a lawmaker.  While millions upon millions of average ordinary people all over the world struggle making ends meet, this ridiculous man continues to cry from sentimentality on network television.  I suppose really he does not understand his job. A recent study proved that the decisions made by our elected officials not once take into account the desires or opinions of the American people.  Zero percent of the time they even considered public opinion.  A "Government by the people for the people" miserably has failed.  Almost it is incomprehensible how these inept shadows of people have been elected to public office.  The only conceivable answer is the "Mis-education of Lauryn Hill."  I mean the mis-education of American youth.  If you fail to teach them, then they cannot decide for themselves what is right or wrong.  Idiots get elected to Congress.  We should applaud President Obama for using his executive power to step around this ignorant stubbornness.  The world of commercial music is in a similar state, and it like Congress has been replaced with a shallow metaphor for ineptitude.  Why must we have talent to perform music?  No one will listen.  Let's change the rules, dumb down the consumer, and take their money for naught!  "So it goes Lt. Exley, so it goes."  It makes my stomach turn sitting staunchly in between the Baby Boomers and Generation X.  I remember both, the Old School and the New School.  I understand crooning and Hip Hop.  I can appreciate "empfindsamkeit" and "sturm und drang."  Maybe I am an exception.  What I do know is I am typing on a custom made quirty keyboard that in reality is an Apple, aluminum, compact laptop keyboard the same as on my white Macbook.  It is comfortable, it feels right, and above all it does NOT give me the horrendous Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.  This disease is torturous. It seems unthinkable a keyboard computer keyboard and mouse positioned at the inappropriate height in proportion to your hands, wrists, and forearms can create such disruption.  I mean I had intense, burning, continuous pain in my fingers, hands, wrists, forearms, and elbows.  I thought it was arthritis or gout caused by drinking alcohol.  Nyet.  Carpel Tunnel, because with the advent of this worthy keyboard base, it all but has desisted.  I have a little stiffness, but it nothing like what I experienced with this DAS keyboard purchased for the Macbook Pro.  Okay, I guess it was my fault for using a commercially available computer desk.  It was a Wayfair contraption with folding legs that looked much nicer than your standard square computer cubby hole.  I painted it black.  After realizing THIS was causing my duress, I cut off its legs!  Then I built a shelf for my monitor.  Then I built out of beautiful boat-like teak wood a "base" that imitated the exact proportion of the Macbook.  Same palm rests, same thickness, same everything.  It sits in the sliding drawer of the Wayfair contraption but elevated about an inch and a half.  My chair now is much lower, and it feels like I am sitting in a Starbucks in Kusadai writing a blog entry.  It is easy.  No clacking keys.  No stretching of the fingers to reach them.  No muss, no fuss.  Simply familiarity.  I am not familiar with our Congress or commercial music.  It is  evil.  How is it possible that music can become evil?  Considering the aesthetic of music has been around since the inception of man, it is be prudent to assume it is important.  The ancient Greek philosophers it seems had a propensity for the bath boys, but this did not affect their musical sensibilities.  Music today is affecting the world's sensibilities and in a bad way.  Miles Davis said once music could not be bad.  He was  wrong.  It can and is be bad.  If it brainwashes listeners into a less broad understanding of humanity, it is bad.  If it patronizes listeners it is bad.  If it seeks to take advantage of listeners it is bad.  All of these things the commercial music industry continues to implement.  The sad part of it is so few people have the money, why must our cultural traditions be raped?  With no surplus money to provide comfort or security, culture is all we have.  Still the moneybags strive to eliminate our history, soul, and voice only to selfishly prosper.  This only can be evil.  Only.