Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Set of Ears and the Silent Culprit

Over the course of the last twenty years many new ailments, maladies, and actually documented diseases have been discovered.  Science and the medical establishment have made strides in certain areas.  Ironically many of these new found conditions have lost favor in the media.  Rarely any more upon they are reported.  I am sure these things still exist (possible 'Yoda' translation or Shakespear, "I sure am things still exist will,) so possibly the treatments have improved, or the populace is suffering in anonymity.  I believe it is the latter.  It has been reported that the majority of perpetrators of recent murderous rampages had been ingesting dangerous psychotropic drugs for depression.  This included Eric Harris, Dylon Klebold, Kip Kinkel, and Adam Lanza.  It would seem the pharmaceutical companies like their Wall Street counterparts may bear this responsibility.  If focus can be brought to the correct issue, help is possible.  Our current media with their shallow coverage almost always skirt the potential discoveries of such atrocities.  I assume they want to keep their jobs by purposely not doing traditionally what American media has done, expose corruption.  It is a hand and hand thing, and Hollywood likes its affluence just as do the rich that control many of these issues.  If the media fails to do this investigative reporting, America's social conscious merely becomes responses to heinous acts of irresponsibility seen in public.  Wouldn't it be more prudent to both the public and the media to do the right thing?  The last decade has seen the rise of this kiss ass behavior.  It could be associated with a national campaign of fear and intimidation, miseducation, and a controlling of the populace for financial gain of the wealthy.  I never bought into it.  Dumbing down the public never works.  Underestimating the American people never works, because the fabric that built this nation always must exist at some level.  The rich sitting in their pent house never will win a Civil War.  It is those in the trenches willing to die for their country ultimately that prevail. A well-armed militia was the victor in America's Revolutionary War.  While it is documented in history the North won the Civil War, there is an interesting study I read ( here that suggests otherwise.  It seems the Confederacy continued to fight the Civil War well after the freeing of the slaves. Not only were famous horse-riding gun slingers terrorists for the South, the mainstream populace continued to wage war by implementing breeches of the newly legislated civil liberties.  These were terrorist acts performed covertly on their home soil under that radar of the federal government in Washington, DC.  These atrocities are well documented in American history, but intimidation, lynching, and hanging by their newly created terrorist cell, the Ku Klux Klan, continued past the official end to America's Civil War.  It was waged covertly.  There has been another covert war being waged against America's citizens, and it has been implemented by corporate America.  America's traditional liberties reliant upon her environment slowly and invisibly have been revoked.  Of what do I speak?  For some reason the controlling majority like to use an argument that defies all logic of science and medicine.  "If you don't see it, it doesn't exist."  Are we really that ignorant?  Are our politicians really bold enough to say that if an issue is not visible to the eye, it can't exist?  This may be why the field of music has been deemed such an undeserving entity.  "How can we put stock in something we can't see?"  That sounds like the argument of a Republican.  Only educated people it seems can relate to this zeitgeist.  I don't believe that is true, because as a collegiately trained music educator music has been seen to occur naturally in human beings.  Educators must only connect with and develop it.  The Kodaly and Suzuki methods of music instruction are examples of this.  Simply put, "All God's chill in' got rhythm."  I'm not sure that is true, at least typified by what has become current in the last ten years in the music industry.  Clearly it is obvious we are not all created musically equal.  Gratefully that's why music education exists, to teach and develop this aesthetic.  Unfortunately music has lost favor with society.  Not only have the wealthy stopped hiring bands for their occasions, elected officials have seen fit to chop music programs from public school curriculums.  Two whammies.  I think the elimination of music from human consciousness is a component of the overlying covert campaign to dumb down Americans so they can be controlled by corporate America and thus its wealthy owners.  If Americans are not aware of issues, these corporations like the post Civil War Confederacy may operate with impunity.  Take for example an adolescent texting while driving.  Previously the precedent was talking on a cell phone will driving.  Both should be illegal, and any American state that has not passed such legislation is a pawn to the telecommunication industry.  That is the beauty and horror of the national/state system of American government.  Clearly we can see malfeasance and its attributing parties.  In North Carolina it is glaring.  Lawmakers openly and with great delight fuck the public. If music is eliminated than one of the most important concepts of human life is eliminated.  That is human beings are sensory beings. We have been given senses to enrich out meager lives.  The wealthy buy their sensory perceptions, if they have them at all.  The rest of us are left in the jet wash of America's military industrial complex.  About what am I talking?  If a driver does not understand one's ears should be an aid, then how possibly can they assume the responsibility for safely operating a motor vehicle?  Listening is key to much of the human condition just is feeling.  These sensory perceptions have been infringed upon at such an acute level, both animal and humans alike should be seizing in disillusion.  Oh, we are but secretly.  Secretly we are dealing with the affects of Attention Deficit Disorder, Restless Leg Syndrome, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, and the list goes on.  It is a virtual smorgasbord for the medical establishment.  "Why study and cure disease when we can make more money from treating symptoms?" As of yet never have I visited one dermatologist who was competent enough to asses a skin condition.  Each and everyone of them says, "Dermatology is the most difficult branch of medicine."  Really.  The study of diseases of the body's single largest organ have not kept up with cancer research?  Is it because the American Cancer Society will not receive their funding if cancer is cured?  Is it because the study of the skin is deemed undeserving of funding as is music?  It seems a more intelligent or rather more earthy, soulful, and feeling official is required to make such a designation.  How can one understand the importance of the arts if one is not artistic themselves?  How can a president inspire Hollywood if they previously were not an actor?  How can an unmusical politician make value judgement over something they do not understand?  If we are not able to hear things, than those things that are not visible to the human eye cease to exist.  Dangers to the human race that are transmitted by other means are not there.  Then there is electricity.  We cannot see it, but America is prudent enough to recognize its worth.  We make money from it.  America makes use of the electromagnetic spectrum, the academic field of Physics, because we make money from it.  It is interesting certain frequencies of this spectrum for years have been designated unsafe by the FCC.  Bill Clinton changed this, and while he was an effective president in many ways, this singlehanded decision to auction these unsafe frequencies to telecommunication companies changed the world for the worst.  (...although in his words it balanced the federal budget.) Teenagers now stare at their palms instead of listening with their ears.  It is a duality like an electromagnetic wave.  Not only are our ears not hearing anything pleasant and positive, that telecommunication device is attempting to satisfy a similar need.  It may not be singing to us like Pavarotti, but it is attempting to satisfy our sensory needs.  What are these?  These are the things God gave us to augment our meager existence.  Sounds, smells, and feelings all no longer are in vogue in America.  Only is it about what we see visually on a little teeny screen.  If American teenagers were listening to the sounds of the motions of society, they would be safer.  Unfortunately these sounds, once reinforcing to human existence, now are a large part of the demons who silently and covertly haunt Americans.  We all are suffering in silence.