question is, “What kind of training do ‘federal agents’ receive?” We as an American people seem to know
little about the Department of Homeland Security other than they and their
partners are requiring 1.8 billion hollow point .40 bullets over the next four
to five years. With the
traditional American military, it is transparent with a tried and true protocol
for training. We as a populace
have been exposed to this entity, as it has been a core part of our existence
since the birth of this country.
With each successive war usually it has been very clear the role of the
military in our national defense.
Desert Storm was well covered by the television media. The Iraq war less so, because it became
dangerous for journalists.
Prudent, dedicated, and honest reporters found ways to present the truth
to the American public. That has
changed dramatically with the “sprawl” of media driven both by cable television
and the internet. The boundaries
have become blurred between entertainment and news. It is not dissimilar to “Big Brother” in Orwell’s novel
l984. The goal was this blurring of boundaries between the truth
and governmental propaganda. It
seems this may have come to fruition in the U.S. It has been widely reported by former reputable news anchors
that lies intentionally are being spread by dishonest, self-serving, potentially
harmful politicians desperate for their government subsidized paychecks. The expansion of a relatively new
government-employed civilian-staffed “para-military” cannot help but be met
with question. Because George W.
Bush created this agency in light of the 9/11 attacks at a time of impending
war, its constitution seems to be shrouded in secrecy. Similarly to our military, the CIA and
FBI while often performing covert actions, at least are watch dogged by the
public and our representative elected officials. It seems the Department of Homeland Security is another
entity all together. With such a political
dynamic of unbridled intelligence gathering by President Obama’s drone program
(of which we know little), it has become to appear that America has an
additional force responsible for the existence, location, and eradicating of
terror movement before they become volatile. Who is overseeing this movement? Which wing of our military is operating the drones? What administrative body is performing
the appropriate checks and balances in compliance with the Geneva Convention? With Rand Paul’s recent lengthy
filibuster, it seems President Obama himself has blurred the boundaries of due
process and would rather murder suspects covertly with little to no
accountability to the American people.
With such a large bullet purchase for the DHS creating a huge shortage
of ammunition for American citizens, one cannot help but see a pattern
beginning to unfold. It probably is
true this depletion of rounds also was created by the hoarding of ammunition by
people feeling an ensuing jeopardizing of their Second Ammendment rights. There are many ways to look at it that
have been verbalized. My personal
sentiment is we do not want in America a secretive, well-armed, para-military
force empowered with the task of implementing our President’s covert
agenda. Forces of these types
traditionally in history and more specifically in Hitler's Nazi controlled Germany were called the S.S. or Schutzstaffel Resemblances to this Nazism are not prone to advance the
popularity of a sitting second term American president who now could be attempting to
implement the original intentions of his sponsors. Likewise questionable legislation and cabinet picks are not
helping the situation. I voted for
President Obama and patiently am waiting for the appearance of an affordable
health care plan for me and others around me that cannot afford it. In light of a particular’s state
rejection of 2 billions dollars of federal aid for Medicaid expansion to the
poor, I am beginning to feel more and more like a surf rather than a
middle-classed American. This is
not a good feeling, and the creation of a private para-military force for the President
along with the all ready burgeoning Ft. Bragg Regional Alliance and its
directives for Base Realignment and Closure have life where I live resembling a
police state. Some reassurance for
my personal security would be appreciated, because the sound of that
turbo-charged four cylinder drone engine flying continuously over my house is