Friday, March 08, 2013

A Well-Armed Militia, not a Well-Armed Department of Homeland Security

            Relatively new in existence, the United States’ Department of Homeland Security recently made news by purchasing 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.  With the recent shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut it seems consumer level gun advocacy has increased along with its brother, the federal government.  It is a complicated issue.  The gun violence has spread and now includes malls, movie theaters, and schools.  It in the wake of dying elementary school children it must be addressed, and it seems logical a ban on large clipped semi-automatic rifles is appropriate.  While the gunmen carry a compliment of artillery including pistols with multiple clips, the ease of destruction provided by an assault rifle seems to facilitate the act of mass murder.  This gruesomely and graphically was depicted by innocent school children found laden with bullets.  It was appropriate our President Obama recommended some call to action.  The NRA, one of the largest lobbying institutions in our history, responded as did the American public.  Feverishly it seems many Americans began to buy more guns and ammunition in response to what could become an encroachment upon America’s second amendment rights to bear arms.  The kicker is, the DHS’s purchasing of that many bullets cleverly has stoked a conspiracy theory that is credible.  Very much like each and every other “bubble” that has been created, this action is being prosperous for a select few.  Who’s to say Smith and Wesson’s stockowners do not deserve the 40% increase in sales, but who are they?  Who’s to say whether the troubled teenager that committed the murder  was being coerced by a larger party?  Isn’t it plausible citizens exhibiting mental instability could be manipulated by the properly trained institutions?  Isn’t this what terrorist networks have proven to do?  They bring foreigners onto the United States’ native soul and train them with our own educational systems thus manipulating our own infrastructure.  It is possible cults historically driven by mental illness created the mold.  While entertaining this possibility is secondary to the issue at hand, it is important.  More importantly is how Capitalism plays into this scenario.  Who is profiting from this violence?  The United States traditionally herself has profited from war, but is this how we want to continue fertilizing our economy?  Warmongering is not a reputable activity nor is it inspiring artistically, spiritually, or socially.  What is inspiring and fueling to our ailing economy are grassroots programs to return America to a likeness of her former self.  It seems we as a populace driven by what has become a corrupt media and telecommunications industry, have lost sight of our own history.  With the exception of certain notable television networks such as the History Channel, The Learning Channel, and The Discovery Channel the rest of media like Hollywood has turned into a metro-sexual, pop, group masturbation.  The intent is to disguise and then destroy our ability to distinguish gender and make responsible decisions based upon logic, wisdom, and self-preservation.  The dramatic intentional decline in support of our public education systems seems to have reduced our young people’s ability to find a traditional quality American education.  Even schooling by rote driven by the act of trial and error has been circumvented as traditional social systems of interacting in person have been replaced by gaming devices and social media.  We are building a non-work force of weak, emotionally stunted, spineless androids.  With no new jobs on the front, what’s the difference?  We have digressed so miserably from America’s former greatness who cares?  Do we even want to take a stand?  Along with this mis-education an infringement of our Second Amendment’s rights to establish a well armed militia is disconcerting.  Not only are we not educating our young people, we are priming them to be submissive, passive, compliant citizens.  This is alarming.  With its recent purchase of 1.6 billion bullets, in addition to gun manufacturers becoming more prosperous, the availability of ammunition for OUR well-armed militia, our last line of defense against invaders, has become compromised.  In an ironic twist some cities are having trouble providing proper
ammunition for their local police forces.  It seems no one wins, except for our federal government.  It seems some clarification is in order.  Why was such a massive purchase necessary at this time instead of more moderate pro-rated purchases?  Isn’t it necessary to ensure the rights of America’s citizens?  We are after all the people for whom the federal government should serve, although many of our Washington lawmakers have forgotten this.  It seems history is repeating itself, but who is teaching this?  The once powerful trusts that controlled industry also controlled the government.  Sound familiar?  In a very deliberate but incognito program the path of America has been chosen and implemented.
Before this well known but misunderstood group of affluent individuals is mentioned, it is relatively clear with recent events Americans' toes are being stepped upon with what seems to be a growing Communistic movement.  I do not mean Socialistic, as I for one as a citizen of the United States favor the quintessential nature of Socialism over Capitalism.  It simply is a publicly owned “Means of Production” rather than a privately owned one employing a public work force.  It has been well documented in many other countries man is not ethical or moral enough to uphold the principals of Socialism.  It failed and developed into Communism.   This trend of government spending both for our military and now for arming of civilian government employees including agents of our Social Security system (with its existence threatened regularly) seems questionable.  Who is the priority?  Is our right to a well-armed militia, the right of citizens to be able to obtain and purchase suitable firearms and ammunition, usurped by the need of the Department of Homeland Security to train its agents?  I think not.