Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Upon a casual reading of the definition of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in Wikipedia, it should be obvious to the most dense American the integrity of our nation’s fighting forces should be more important than an individual’s sexual preference. The depth of Wiki’s definition alone should mandate that a casual attachment of the Murphy Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act would be shortsighted. While the repealing of relevant portions of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was supposed to be contingent upon the completion of a study by the Department of Defense on its effectiveness and long term ramifications, it appears the casual and immoral approach of American sexuality erroneously has been extrapolated to law making. A social issue that directly affects the national security of the United States demands a more in depth study, one that stealthly should not be attached to other legislation as “pork.” As America recognized the “Separation of Church and State” as a fundamental part of our Constitutional responsibility, the “Separation of the Military and Sexuality” should remain a humble and discreet process. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” has been corrupted. Absence of integrity out of sight of the eyes of authority both in the ranks and administration has bred abuse. Witchhunts were common attempting to segregate probable homosexuals from the mainstream of the military. This not only existed in the military, but America’s views on homosexuality are changing at the urging of television. It has become common in the last decade for the casual needs of pop culture to at least attempt to instill their value system in mainstream American education. With the lack of funding and emphasis on America’s public education, the value system of an undefined and unstudied contingency has crept into our consciousness. With the vacating of America’s middle classed manufacturing jobs little has been left to define a mainstream. The often contempt for Christianity in America has left a segregated, selfish, and undisciplined population that is bathing in a false security. A misrepresentative “pop” culture has created a soft and malleable bandaid attempting to cover the festering wounds of a continuing “Campaign of Fear and Intimidation.” Music, once a potent force of change in the expression of American ideals, has become a depressive narcotic anesthetizing America to the real soul moving vibrations necessary for a thriving economy. The mis-education continues. Amy Poehler’s comedic narrative last night on the season premiere of Saturday Night Live summed up the much-too-casual approach to repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” While representing one interpretation of “Gays in the Military,” her conclusion fell horribly short of the possible long term socio-psychological effects of mainstreaming homosexuality in a traditional heterosexual protective fighting security force. It is true and apparent that being shipped to Afghanistan for several years risking your life for your country is not much of a reward for “Seeing someone’s pee pee in the shower.” Unfortunately that does not scratch the surface of the common practices of homosexuality in the military. Saccharin pop sensibilities once again are attempting to soften America’s once lofty and respectable ethical and moral values. Media continue to bathe what once was a stark, visceral, and educational process of socialization of young Americans with tepid, shallow, temporary sensory anesthesia. A more appropriate depiction of “Gays in the Military” would be one of the many gay military porn sites. In Fayetteville, North Carolina officers in the army actively recruited young enlistees to participate in their gay sex videos placed online for a profit. This type of abuse of authority and exploitation of a nurturing environment much more is representative of the probable corruptions of “Gays in the Military.” The repealing of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” would open the door for such illicit and depraved sexual activity to continue. There once was a time when the mainstream in America clearly was defined and social, religious, cultural, political, and socio-economic habits were much more clear. We are living in an age of spin where our political parties, once defined and respectable organizations, have succumbed to the tribal barbarianism of the ethnic and religious sects of the Middle East. They lob fire bombs at each other while the diplomatic communicative processes that ensure any nation evolve shrink further away masked by convenient sound bites and iPhone text. While our starving economy needs Gross National Product, all of the convenient telecommunications products in the world cannot replace a traditional American “Readin’, Writin’, and Rithmatic” education. The influx of net technology into our schools has transformed the educational process into arch enemy number one. Many of America’s once tried and true virtues casually have been replaced by a non-proactive, complacent, and lethargic acceptance of original sin. We are weak as are gay men. If given a choice, if Islam Extremists invaded your town would you want gay men fighting for you? Pink sarongs, spiked heels, and wigs are no match for the bullets of angry Muslims
