Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Public Option
The economic foundations of the “America Dream” have to come from somewhere. How is it this country, America, has risen above all others promising and often providing the “American Dream?” The “American Dream” is nothing other than financial success achieved without the oppressive constraints of social class and politics. Somehow in the American capitalist frontier the system of supply and demand has been upheld. Commodities worthy of value remain as such, and invaluable commodities that are hawked and gambled upon eventually find their true demise. Hedge funds found their true demise. The bundled mortgages of private citizens held in the poker hands of elitist Wall Street players have revealed their true colors. Without a product, without a Gross National Product, there is no product upon which to gamble. Debt is not a good product upon which to gamble. We have learned that in the last two years. What has been the economic foundation upon which the “American Dream” has been possible? That is a good question. It seems the Free Market System, a system that relies upon honest and unbiased advertising, has been upheld in America until now. Now the airwaves that previously supplied that honest and unbiased advertising have become monopolized compromising the neutral communication of a democratic Capitalist socio-economic system. The airwaves have become corrupt. The infrastructure of America, honest and arbitrary advertising via telecommunications, has become a huge propaganda machine for the Extreme Right. The “American Dream” has been quashed by financial elites seeking to maintain their own power. The mobility of America, the ability to sidestep bureaucracy and large government, has been stymied by elitist America. Big business has squeezed the last penny out of Main Street left holding their dicks and wondering where the money is. In an effort to retain their monetary power, the remnants of elitist America produced by the medical profession and the insurance industry are floundering seeming grass roots lobbies at Town Hall meetings across America. Bucking the undeniable unpopular trend of HMO takeovers of healthcare in America, wildcard Republican extremists have launched an offensive against President Obama shouting such absurdities as “Death Squads.” While most Americans know Medicare and Medicaid are not the most efficient and stealth of health care providers, they are there for the masses that need them. Such is the “Public Option.” Unlike these shouters would have you believe at local Town Hall dissentions, the “Public Option” is meant to be nothing other than a viable option for health insurance for those that remain uninsured. As Obama continues to reiterate, it will not change the existing policies of Americans who are happy with their coverage. The Public Option, like the United States Post Office, is meant to provide and much needed service to and for the American people. The anti-Socialist shouting extremists appearing at these local Town Hall meetings are much more likely to be staged by the Republican party than pro-Obama supporters that slowly are beginning to realize their importance to the country. The stagnation of Old Money and the reliance upon tried and true fixed financial instruments has become real, and a true test of America’s Frontier is now underway.