Thursday, August 13, 2009
The New Secretary of Straight
I have to take a a few minutes and reflect upon what is happening politically in America. Hillary was taped in Africa representing a hybrid Madeline Albright and Jabba the Hut. In her newfound post as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State, we have heard little from her. We as the American people don’t know if she has done anything since the inauguration. If we were assessing her capabilities of diplomacy while watching the news footage of her trip, she would have received a D-. Wagging her finger and refusing to admit past President Bill Clinton is her husband painted her as a crochety school marm full of sour grapes upon losing her own Presidential bid. “Will the real Secretary of State please stand up, Mrs. Albright?” While Obama’s strategy of hiring political enemies to help bridge the stalemate between left and right in America seems prudent, it seems Hillary is dragging her feet. While it does take time to figure out what one’s job is and then figure out how effectively to do it, America’s diplomatic clock is ticking. Amicable worldwide relations could help trump not only the terror card but the ensuing economic depression. Meanwhile America continues to be defined by her incumbent, puritan-rooted, soap-box shouting Republicans fearful Socialism will deprive them of their benefits the Baby Boomer generation so tactfully arranged. It is this generation of Americans that are “in the money” and dutifully covered by health insurance, unlike fledging Gen. X’ers who hide their despondency by buying portable Apple devices and playing video games. “Will the real Condition of America please rise?” It is a bleak portrait. Obama seems effectively to be sledgehammering away at the crony politics of the previous George W. Bush, but a tsunami of deceit and corruption are floating upon the potable water of the American people. Unemployment continues to rise and banks continue to fail. The stark reality the “cheap money” upon which the credit industry was founded is gone may spark a revolution. What have the people got to lose?