Sunday, January 25, 2009
Salem's Lot of Media
America still is living in the trappings of the “Sexual Revolution” that began in Britain. Hugh Hefner traveled to England, frequented the places associated with this newfound sexual liberation, and brought those images to America under the guise of Playboy Magazine. “Good composers borrow, and great composers steal.” While at its onset in a conservative society, Playboy Magazine may have been groundbreaking. Today in the age of the Internet original media has been forced to redefine itself. Newspapers, record labels, and cable television are scrambling to keep up with the advertising campaign created by Google. Google simply took the advertising concept from television and brought it to the Internet. Steve Jobs took Apple’s graphic interface from Xerox, and Bill Gates took it from Apple. In our modern Entrepreneurial Age it is a matter of who markets their stolen product most quickly and effectively. With ADD a common component of modern media, your competition will be forgotten in weeks. Our economy has become disposable. With this shift toward transient values and disposable products society has become confused. “If our commercial lives are so shallow, how are our personal lives to maintain value and integrity?” Formerly the answer to that question was religion, but with gracious modern entrepreneurism the extreme right media have launched a campaign to doubt the existence of the Creator. With no God and a disposable economic infrastructure, how are our personal lives to maintain value and integrity? Formerly the answer to that question was art, but with gracious modern entrepreneurism, the extreme right media have launched a campaign to disguise the existence of art. Instead we received corporate propaganda, Newspeak, and fortunately it is unmistakable where that has led the American economy. Could the last vestiges of education represent the integrity of our personal lives? Certainly with cable television and the Internet setting such good examples of effective social behavior, do we not all want to go out and buy three twenty-something Playboy playmates to be our concubines? In the name the anachronistic “Sexual Revolution” we could pay them a thousand dollars a week, post a 9:00 p.m. curfew, and have our staff record their every move in a little black book. Hugh Hefner himself has become confused like the American people forgetting the very populace to which he sells his magazine. While under the guise of gracious modern entrepreneurism, Hef overlooked his role as a mentor to quickly growing adolescents. Investing in short term high yield markets all ready has proven to bankrupt a large percentage of America. Can we afford to continue to do this with the future inhabitants and leaders of America? God, art, and education are the mediums that provide such examples, and without them our social behaviors will be lost. What is interesting is that in the right wing media-induced spin, the simple pleasures of Christian living have been lost. America has forgotten that sexual activity is a core component of socialized living, and marriage for heterosexuals is the oasis upon which this activity should be based. Why is it the gay agenda seems to be the only agenda promoting marriage? The divorce rates from marriage have continued to increase since the “Sexual Revolution,” and heterosexual Americans still are searching for answers to success in marital sexual fulfillment. Could it be because the gay agenda has confused heterosexual America? Marriage never has been easy, and the shifting of the sacrament of marriage to a validation of sodomy won’t help. The separation of church and state could allow civil unions for which Barack Obama has shown support. It must be left up to the institution of the church to decide if two thousand years of history must be changed. For this reason God, art, and education must remain the substructure of our country. The alchemy being practiced by Salem’s Lot of right wing media needs to be quashed once and for all. Maybe we should burn Rupert Murdoch, Sumner Redstone, and Les Moonves at the stake.