Thursday, January 08, 2009
Porno Wednesday
While it is comical and appropriate Larry Flynt (the publisher of Huster magazine) and Joe Francis (CEO of the “Girls Gone Wild” series of videos) are traveling to Washington to ask for a bailout of the porn industry, the tone of the media coverage of this event realistically exposed America’s dysfunction with its own sexuality. Like the skewing of religion in America in the last decade by the media, sexuality always has been skewed in America. That skewing is a product of capitalism. The product in capitalism is sex. Unlike the majority of foreign countries that recognize sex as a normal biological need, America always through the venue of popular music has attempted to sell its image. The American people think they are buying the product, but in reality only are buying depictions of sexuality. In a country that is too immature to recognize its own needs, this is the next best thing. Also it spreads the wealth over a much broader area. “Why should the sex industry only reap the rewards of their industry,” Wall Street would ask? Because America’s puritan roots would not allow her to go public with the porn industry and trade it on Wall Street, another way had to be devised to reap the major profits from sex. That is what America always has done. We don’t sell sex, the thing that many people need as Larry Flynt suggests. We sell the illusion, allure, and possibility of sexual activity. Pimps and prostitutes from the beginning of time always have cut through this malarkey alleviating the red tape. In true rebelliousness similar to Rock ‘n’ Roll, it was sensible the two art forms eventually would fuse. Past president Ronald Reagan made it a campaign pledge to clean up the pornographic nature of homosexual bathhouses in San Francisco. Tipper Gore indicted Rock ‘n’ Roll with a campaign from Washington over suggestive lyrics in music. In retrospect the marrying of sex and Rock ‘n’ Roll was not in America’s moral interest. It was in the interest of Capitalism. Although it could be understood as appropriate the decadent and irresponsible behaviors of rockers in the l980’s has been prosecuted and tried in what has become America’s conservative right-wing media, the musical product of Rock ‘n’ Roll today remains as valid as ever. Art sustains the test of time, and this will prove once and for all if this music deserves social, cultural, and artistic respect. For this to occur the music needs to be preserved and made available for future generations to appreciate and study. It is not plausible in America a Nazi regime of nationalism should destroy our immediate and short term pop culture. It is a necessary vent for the hostilities brewing in America over the corruption in our federal government. Perhaps more astutely and with savvy the generation of the l980’s dispensed with mainstream America and her political ambitions. Rockers, with their huge amounts of generated income, set an example for America’s economy. As was suggested recently on Lou Dobb’s program, the American economy will revitalize when the federal and state governments are successful creating a stable infrastructure upon which Capitalism can flourish. An economic stimulus coming from the President and Congress again will not provide the national stability America needs. It is ironic amid shouts of “Socialist” at President-Elect Barack Obama, George W. Bush implemented the most socialist policies in the history of the United States. While they may have occurred in the last six months of his eight year presidency contrary to his former non-regulatory and free reign corporate policies, Bush’s abrupt about face probably was a desperate attempt to shore up the crumbling American economy on the eve of his exit of the United States Presidency. It proves Bush had no economic plan for America and in a last minute crisis implemented the only policy his team could devise to thwart a full blown revolution. As evidenced in all of Bush’s policies, he had no plan for any of them. In a shoot-from-the-hip Texas-styled shootout, Bush ran the White House with extremely shortsighted and instinctual decisions. Many believe these qualities are of what an effective president is made. History has shown governing in the midst of a complex, bureaucratic, and corrupt socio-economic system predicates knowledge of the system. Even with the election of Barack Obama as America’s new president, clear answers and therefore policies are not being created and implemented. The reason is simple, and with one look at the swearing in of the 111th United States Congress the answer can be found. The elected governing body of the federal government appears to be a group of socialites attending a cocktail party at their favorite country club in Washington, DC. Laura Bush set this example from the transition of power from George W. Bush to Barack Obama by booking the Blair House for a variety of social events unrelated to the inauguration of the future president. The Obama family, instead of being offered hospice by the American taxpayers dollar, was forced to live in a hotel so their children would not be tardy attending the new school session of Sidwell Friend’s School. This thoughtless, narcissistic, and egotistic behavior belies Christian ideals, and like Roland Burris’s filibuster sets the wrong example for America. Instead it reinforces “the plantation politics” of Washington cited by Burris’s supporters. This is why Roland Burris’s trek to Washington was so important for the nation. In the tradition of the Civil Rights Movement of the l960’s, Burris made a pilgrimage to the what could have been hostile territory of the United States Congress, knocked on its door, and asked for his job. In traditional exclusionary socialite form other senators were sworn in on the grand stage of the Congressional Country Club. Only after his Burris’s continued reverence and allegiance to American legal policy did Senate majority leader Harry Reid submitted to the potential Burris appointment. It was a grand victory for civil rights and the American way in 2009. It, although cast as a maelstrom by Senate democrats and the media, was a huge success for America. Minnesotan Senator-Elect Al Franken’s case has yet to be won, but with similar encouragement to dispel more party infighting it is likely the Minnesota Supreme Court will confirm Norm Coleman’s loss. Then at least there will be only one other outstanding Senate appointment. Who in America can resist a Kennedy? Long ago and far away in a country named America there were industrialists influenced by that revolution in Britain. They brought this successful model of productivity to the America and lives were changed forever. Without such a model America is floundering trying to define herself, her economy, her political views, and her people. Industry has changed and it has not been an easy transition. It is untimely Barack Obama has been faced with a political transition in the midst of an economic one. It may be the reason the first African-America was elected to the United States presidency. It is rude to say but because the proceeding socialite regime has failed so miserably it is possible they were faced with no alternative. The America people would not stand for it. Making Blair House unavailable to the Obama’s, although the Bush family has been gracious during the transition, reminds us what Washington is and has been. Seeing it again on Tuesday was sickening. The model for the swearing in of the 111th Congress could be seen on C-SPAN’s coverage of the armed forces farewell ceremony for its Commander and Chief hosted by the Joint Chief of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen. This moving and dignified service personified American patriotism proving that traditions must be upheld regardless of political complexity or financial constraint. With more grace and eloquence than normally seen on television, the armed forced honored the Bush family for service to their country. The mere presence of the Army’s Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps immediately puts America’s soul into perspective. Traditions like these are the ones that deserve to be preserved and maintained in these difficult economic times. It is unfortunate a simple model does not exist for this huge transition in economic structure in America. It has been coming for a long time, and it began a decade ago when millions of older Americans were fired from their jobs for being “out of date.” The rise of the World Wide Web and its offshoot internet businesses still threatens to be a major component of economic reconstruction in America. Now that Wall Street has been humbled for the umpteenth time, maybe they will stay out of the equation. The filthy rich in America do not deserve to gamble on the working man, not anymore. If America continues down the path on which she is we may reach a time when Washington socialites are forced to put down their champagne glasses and pick up a burlap sack to pick cotton. It is crucial the new blood of Barack Obama be transfused into the White House. With it he brings tenants of the Civil Rights Movement, nostalgia for the John F. Kennedy presidency, and a keen mind focused on the problems of America. He will not succeed in all areas, but like his democratic predecessor Bill Clinton, if he can “Get up and go to work everyday,” in the immortal words of James Carvel, he stands a good chance of improving the quality of life in America. It will be shocking to experience it. It seems once you have lived through the Great Depression, like the humility expressed by Jesus, God’s only son, it is difficult to see any other possibility. Let us hope Obama succeeds cementing America’s infrastructure, alleviating fear from terrorist threats, and providing a nurturing environment for which Capitalism to flourish. The porn industry will take care of itself.