Monday, January 19, 2009

A Folk Song for DC

Obama-fest was inscrutable. How could one feel that HBO’s donated air-time was not a propagandist feast? While Lincoln is a worthy figure of reverence cemented with his Emancipation Proclamation, is the electing of America’s first African-American President worthy of the same praise? That is all I could think. The work is yet to be done. In retrospect a homage to Abraham Lincoln always is welcome. Few know the sorrow he bore as President during the Civil War. African-Americans owe their lives to Lincoln, but the election of Barack Obama to the United States Presidency demands different results. Are African-Americans still enslaved? Is not all of America enslaved? If we are, are we to expect a synonymous result? Obama-fest suggested change was imminent. What is that change, a freeing of slaves? No one can dispute the balance of power in America has been tipped to the Extreme Right. A heartstring pulling affirmation of what has become minority interests is appropriate. Maybe his Leftist propagandist production was necessary to seal the fate of George W. Bush. Many think Bush will continue to spin his legacy. How could eight years of failed politics be recorded otherwise? Richard Nixon got a library as will George W. Bush. Is it not time to stop harping on the negatives and begin focusing on the solutions to his failed policies? Maybe a big campfire rendition of “Kum ba ya” is what the nation needs. It is setting the precedent for a newly installed 111th Congress. Without orientation such irrefutable change seems unrealistic. Although the Democratic Party has earned leadership in two out of the three branches of government, there is no guarantee they will be able to put Humpty Dumpty’s pieces back together again. A lot is resting on the shoulders of Barack Obama, and it will take more than Martin Luther King’s dream to make it happen. A resurgence of a Civil Rights rally in Washington is a good place to start. It reinforces Obama’s projected strategy. He expects everyone to be involved in the solutions of America. Could the hardball of Washington DC be outsourced Texas? Is it possible that grassroots Depression Era doctrine will prove effective in solving America’s financial problems? Obama’s Obama-fest certainly suggested that. With all of the pining, urging, and yearning let’s hope that solid, tangible, and realistic solutions are on hand for the future government of America. As with George W., all of the propaganda in the world can’t cover up America’s destiny.