Friday, December 26, 2008

Wall Street Agnostics

Wall Street should be considered the self-deluded wunderkind. It was a noble attempt, the pilgrimage to New York in the Mayflower that ended inside the tip of Cape Cod on Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts. English separatists in search of religious freedom had found crude and rural hospices in the Historical Triangle of Colonial Virginia. Jamestown, Yorktown, and Williamsburg, with the exception of the growing of tobacco, proved to be formidable adversaries to survival. Mosquitoes, tidal rains, hostility from native-Americans, and starvation all challenged these pilgrims. Their quest for freedom in Calvinist theology persevered. Their sentiment today is not being championed, and on the anniversary of Christ’s birth American television continues to be filled with blasphemous images. A holy war is raging, but it is being fought within the confines of American media. In a different age of enlightened Americans no doubt could be created about the historical foundations of our country. It was taught in school. With a “Campaign of Fear and Intimidation” Hitler’s Nazi tactics covertly have been thrust upon the American people. With sugarcoated candy caned smiles businesses and government have fed the American people hemlock disguising an attempted coup de tat. Ironically that coup was not an uprising against the American government. It was against her people. Every guiding principal of America’s founding fathers and her Constitution have been skewed toward a wealthy elite leaving mainstream America writhing in disbelief. “Has this ever happened? The American people have been duped into an extreme and inexplicable agenda of oil barons?” So it seems the fat lady has sung, and while long in the coming America’s system of “Check and Balances” has ruled. That is because it had to. Capitalism is a tenuous and fragile economic system and unlike battalions of soldiers cannot survive without nurturing. Like Eve in the Garden of Eden, Wall Street took fruit from the forbidden tree and offered it to no one but themselves. In America’s formative years the truly maverick and genius minds of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and Abraham Lincoln ensured the longevity of the United States. Today because of the disintegration of our public educational system America's philosophy is not being maintained. Our schooling has been usurped, and our media has become possessed by extreme fascist ideals. It would be only time before America became subject to the same tests of Western Civilization. Astute scholars and countrymen would embrace the lessons of history as wisdom to solve America’s problems. Fascist Nazi culture would attempt to eradicate it.