Friday, December 05, 2008
A Somalian Work Song
Nothing could be more disturbing than the announcement of Jeb Bush for president in 2012, except the announcement of Newt Gingrich for president in 2012. It almost is equally as disturbing to hear Chris Matthews might leave his soap box at MSNBC to run for the Senate in Pennsylvania. It is not that Matthews is not qualified. It is that his brain may be scrambled from working in such an unethical environment as television news. Television news has the ability to influence public opinion. Does anyone really feel threatened by a band of rag tag Somali fisherman? Obviously Denmark didn’t, and finally it was their navymen that saved and captured a group whose boat had broken down 90 miles adrift in the Gulf of Yemen. The news slant on these pirates has been one of jolly favoritism not unlike that of Captain Jack himself pillaging for wine and women. Is this really the authoritative opinion about the pirates? Somalia is destitute, and the pirates are performing a brave and heroic act of Robin Hoodism for their native people? Because the price of petroleum in the United States rose above $150.00 a barrel this past summer, I think someone should care about those pirates. It is interesting the Danes were the first to step up to the plate or out to the dangerous seas. Should America be afraid of these "terrorists," madmen high on crack, wielding RPG’s, and speeding through the water in wooden skiffs? Our great American military, the great American fighting machine should be afraid of a band of desperate, hungry, angry dissidents? With this attitude being championed by American television news media, it is no wonder America would become afraid. It is extremely fortunate younger Americans lived through this Extreme Republican Right's "Campaign of Fear and Intimidation" and are seeing through it. Could President-Elect Obama get into office sooner? Eloquently he is sidestepping the ball at the moment admitting there can only be one president at a time in America. Television news media is giving him a hard time for that. The clock is ticking and the s$%t is getting thicker by the minute.