Tuesday, December 09, 2008
The issues that demand to be confronted to ensure America's ability to revive are over-population due to immigration, spectral electro-magnetic pollution in the troposphere, and corruption in state and federal government. If a newly invigorated Environmental Protection Agency seriously were demanded to study the adverse consequences of communicational microwaves, then the true source of global warming would be found. The telecommunication companies that have been lobbying the Federal Communication Commission, pressuring them to license and sell formerly illegal microwave frequencies of the electro-magnetic spectrum, would be to blame. Because corporate America has out-sourced their traditional manufacturing jobs, these companies, media entertainment conglomerates, and Wall Street financiers have become more vital to our stalled economy. “Can you hear me now?” America needs to stop fueling her economy with hypothetical gambling on these corporations and begin focusing on the nuts and bolts of life. Manufacturing and textiles are the roots of the Capitalist system. The stock market is counterproductive to this fundamental philosophy, a “privately owned means of production employing a public workforce.” When the core values of this system are subverted by overemphasis on “owning shares,” i.e. making money from profit projections, then the tenuous process of making money can fail. The balance between profit and loss in the Capitalist system is so delicate that excess is detrimental. The bloating of the upper class all ready has proven that the childish spoiled antics of the wealthy have jeopardized our entire socio-economic system. We in America always have lived in a Socialist-Capitalist system governed by the premise that the free market provides for everyone. When an elite group off Wall Street Ivy Leaguers began to believe they personally deserved more wealth than the country’s population combined is when our system failed. The quicker the “Fight Club” ensues, the better for America.