Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Republican Shenanigans
It must be ascertained that the timing of the FBI’s exposure of Rod Blagojevich’s purported conspiracy was intended to skew President-Elect Barack Obama’s transition effort. If the FBI had consulted United States attorneys, then they would have known the time frame necessary to indict Governor Blagojevich. Instead in traditional political wrangling the Republican National Party continued to soil Obama’s transition effort with a scandal. It is a common legal ploy, one for which attorney’s are known. Continuance and distraction often are used in a court of law when no other viable defense or offense exists. The Republicans once again have proven that they are the scourge of America. After Nightline’s synopsis of 2008 it cannot be denied Tom Delay and his merry band of thieves may suffer the same fate as Slobodan Milosevic. If Gingrich and Rove continue to challenge Democrats to a duel, America may step in and demand justice. Only twenty more days for a pardon.