Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Nuclear Fall Out
My contention always has been art leads. Without art what model will the world have from which to pattern itself? Does a Renaissance require a Dark Ages? Whence does this Renaissance come? Without enlightenment how will an uneducated society free themselves from oppression? As an artist it is paramount you must remain open to new life experiences. It cannot be denied in art history many discreet and intertwined style periods can be defined. European music also is a good example, but literature and fashion also represent man’s need to change. What determines these style periods, and how do they apply today? When living in our microcosm it could be difficult to understand the macrocosm. That is why history is important. It provides guiding principles from which the human race can learn. Similarly art from differing periods in history are metaphors for the human experiences of that time. How would an artist interpret what has occurred in America? It is important that artists try, because the soul of today rests in their hands. Without modern art our era will be forgotten. The recent history of America all ready is declining. Is it important for America to preserve her history? Yes, because it is these defining moments that give America her soul. 9/11 more clearly could be understood if examined from a historical perspective. That simply could be the rememberance that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in l941. A foreign initiated act of violent aggression has occurred on American soil. Because Hawaii is a conglomeration of islands in the Pacific Ocean its impact could have been considered less severe. America ended this aggression (and World War ll) with two acts of nuclear warfare. In the wake of Nagasaki and Hiroshima the world began a race for nuclear disarmament realizing irresponsible behavior could destroy our world. This experience is one that should be reinforced today, because 9/11 equally was as henious as the bombing of Pearl Harbor. America mistakenly, instead of locating and targeting the movement that planned the attacks on New York’s World Trade Towers, began a foreign war with clandestine motivation. If this decision had to be made again, could the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld have chosen to use America’s nuclear capabilities? Was it because America was not ripe with imperialist intention in l941? The Middle East, unlike Japan, offered America a valuable commodity for which they lusted. Tainting that resource with radio active fallout for years to come was not an option. It cannot be refuted America’s history has been disguised. A new regime with covert intentions invaded our country, and only at the end of 2008 is that apparent. Let us hope America triggers her own Renaissance. Hopefully it will be with the influence of foreign cultures that can offer wisdom in the face of our irreverence.