Friday, December 19, 2008

Marilyn Anniston

Jennifer Anniston’s presence on Late Night with David Letterman recently resurrected Marilyn Monroe. If it didn’t, it should have. In the declining world of film and television there are fewer and fewer presences that offer the viewer a glimpse of glamour. Glamour is all but dead in America, pulled into the grave by Islam Extremists. Most of the arts in America are dead, and all it has taken is a boatload of terrorists wearing towels on their heads and sporting RPG’s. While the ramifications of 9/11 cannot and should not be disputed, the disruption of American culture should be. Many of the traditions that have made America great have come to untimely deaths as a result of 9/11. The terrorists not only were successful tearing a hole in American national security, but they tore an even larger hole in our culture. They planted their own seeds of doubt about the credibility of America. America is a duality that traditionally has been defined by the disparity between Democrats and Republicans. Suddenly with the emergence of Extreme Islam and holy war, our own political philosophies shifted. How did this happen? It is probable that current American media hungry for fodder pursued a course of revenue without pondering its longterm effects. They easily were duped by a band of militant, violent, and angry malcontents shooting arrows at freedom and democracy. So far we have yet to recover. In the last decade the term “Free Market” has come to mean “Free Range” with “no holds barred.” Television has sunk to its lowest level of moral and ethical programming attempting to appeal to what they see as mainstream America. Tabloid media always has underestimated mainstream America, but is there a reason? If our state and federal governments sorely neglect public education in America, whence are our children to learn? Tabloid television is not a viable substitute. Television was an easy prostitute for fast money, and now as a nation we are reaping its ill consequences. Reality shows, tabloid soap operas, and talents contest have blurred the boundaries of reality skewing a much lower perception of American life than traditional life in America. Any brief survey will show America is below the world’s bar in almost every achievement. If the intent of this de-education was to coerce an ignorant America into buying products out of their reach, they succeeded. Millions of Americans bought homes with sub-prime mortgages paying more than their homes were worth. This trend began in the early l990’s as a “Housing Bubble,” and it would be only time before the smoke screen cleared and realistic values once again were ascribed. Isn’t it tragic a collapse of the credit and banking industries is what necessitated the balancing of values? It seems America’s “Fight Club” has occurred and without Tyler Durden. Instead we got Hank Paulson, a traitor ensconced squarely in the Tory tradition. His and George W. Bush’s smoke screen still is fully engaged, and the country has nary an idea what has happened to three hundred billion of their tax dollars. With only forty more days until a formal changing of the guard in the United States federal government, it has been proven things can get worse. Paulson wants the rest of the money now. John Adams has confessed to sanctioning war crimes at the Guantanamo Detention Camp, and the U.S.S.R has sailed three of their navy vessels into Havana Bay for the first time since the end of the “Soviet Era” in l991. Needless to say Anniston’s presence of late night TV was a breath of fresh air.