Friday, December 12, 2008
CSI- Jay Leno
The legacy of the late Johnny Carson is an imposing one. Few figures in show business can measure up to the self-discipline imposed by Johnny Carson on his Tonight Show. Jay Leno walked into a success and made off with the goods, and since nothing about the Tonight Show has been interesting. Television in general, like governmentally imposed P.C., has taken to sucking up rather than being cutting edge. The great renegade maverick that was television now is but a cheap fix of crack that wears off within minutes. How is it crack became a model for television and movies? Is it that the newest drugs, free-based cocaine and crystal methamphetamine, have taken over the role of LSD, acid, heroin, and pot in the 70’s? We as a society have moved from psychotropic mind-numbing drugs to amphetamines, because the peaceful vibration of that era now is extinct. Man has proven he can save entities from the brink of extinction, and it is time to prove the feel good, carefree, love-in attitude of the Beatnic Era is not lost forever. Who wants to live with this continuous antagonistic Left vs. Right, Campaign of Fear and Intimidation, psychotic-laden world? The drugs of the 70’s were peaceful. While there was violence in Viet Nam, drug use was an anodyne that attempted to shield Americans from its effects. The Right has painted pop culture from that era as self-indulgent and addictive. Is disco dancing and having sex such a sin? Polluting the airwaves with the immoral decadence of war is more of a sin. Politicians are proving on a daily basis their façade of a moral America is nothing but Satan’s hot air. Now with Extremism, he is slinging mud attempting to bring America down to its lowest level. Passing the buck is the only resource for a shallow, untalented, Republican mandate. With the recent mergers of telecommunications media, the traditions that steadfastly have perservered through their sheer passion for the arts have been debased. Artistic content, the concept that has fueled quality television since its inception, has been abandoned for disposable product. In a clever guise to cover its decision television producers began masturbating so-called mainstream America by placing them in front of the camera. Magically America began entertaining herself, but with the demise of the public educational system mainstream America became lost. The heart and soul that produced television shows like “Leave It to Beaver,” “I Love Lucy,” and “Hazel,” was forced to retire and the model of American life was lost. It is a startling and strange juxtaposition to understand this era of television and turn on the TV now. What we once looked to for moral guidance and uplifting now is a treacherous pit of adultery. Elite Japanese businessmen thought by buying Hollywood they could become part of the movie industry. Their lesson was learned the hard way that the Arts are not pop culture. Video games are pop culture. Comic books are pop culture. Somehow music, film, and television in America remained immune to influences of Satan. Now with the collapse of federal government’s ability to lead and Wall Street’s ability to balance their budget, not much is left. Moving Jay Leno to prime time is not going to solve anything, other than NBC’s responsibility of developing and producing prime time programming.