Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ship Rupert, Newt, and Simon to an Island off the Coast of Italy
Dan Rather has been out of the limelight recently. Like John Edwards, Newt Gingrich and the Republican National Party, and one hundred retired army generals he is making his opinion known. He actively is pursuing a court case suing his past employer CBS News for mistreatment. Is it all a run for the 2012 presidential campaign? The eternal feud between the Right and the Left continues to be the stage upon which media performs. As Dan said recently on C-SPAN program addressing the issue of media in politics, new comer Barack Obama was the good story. It was the reason why he received more favorable media coverage than his current contender for Secretary of State in his future cabinet. The issue that is clouding Hillary Clinton’s acceptance for the post is the same fragile issue media continues to peddle. Although aptly qualified for the position, Barack in the tradition of past president Abraham Lincoln, is creating the necessary tension in his transition team. It is understandable because members of his “transition team” were also part of his campaign, they have not received the memo from Lincoln. How is it a political ally and foe, after being defeated for the democratic nomination to the United States presidency, should be appointed to an important cabinet post in the Obama administration? It is because Barack like Lincoln is a prudent politician. Understanding the quintessential definition of the word he saw fit to include political adversaries in his cabinet. What is interesting is the smoke and mirrors that have been created as a result. Gingrich, after his failed Contract with America succeeded in shutting down the federal government twice, all but disappeared from politics. Like John Edwards his extramarital affair sanctioned his living incognito. Under persecution from the RNP Bill Clinton was impeached for having promiscuous sex in the Whitehouse. Do we want to see either face again? The government’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy of homosexuality in the American military has been all but mum until now. Is it fair that this soon after the election and during a sensitive war-time transition, Newt Gingrich has empowered himself as a martyr for the Republican National Party? Doesn’t the newly elected president have enough to worry about with a chronically ailing auto industry, a credit crisis, and two wars abroad? Is this really the time to ask the federal government to deal with sexuality? Evidently slinging mud at the new president begins as soon as the accolades subside, even before he is inaugurated. This spectacle is the personification of the proceeding and consistent stalemate in the United States federal government, and is a disgrace. As one political pundit expressed on Chris Matthew’s show Hardball, “Who cares?” It is fair to devote adequate air time to each party, whether the American people demonstratively chose democratic or not. It seems the licking of wounds of the RNP is the reason why Governor Sarah Palin remains in the news. If the Republicans in eight years have been unable to re-invent themselves, find middle ground with the Left, and solve some of America’s problems now is not the time to focus on it. There is a new, capable, and energetic party in power. For them to succeed in serving the American people the RNP should cooperate. Eight years is a long enough test, and the Republican National party failed. Hopefully Dan Rather will win his lawsuit, “Don’t ask, don’t tell” will remain as military policy, and Gingrich, John Edwards, and Elliot Spitzer will throw a newly-divorced party employing a reputable escort service to mend their wounds. Because they are not employed by the people, they will be immune from impeachment.