Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The New Furor

What is readily apparent at the wake of George W. Bush is “Old Money” is not going to be spent easily. The same saving philosophy, “Get what you can, can it, and sit on the can,” adamantly is going to persevere, its tentacles entangled in the infrastructure of America. Watching while millions of newly registered voters, formerly apathetic voters, and newly disgruntled youthful voters rallied in Chicago at the celebration of Barack Obaba’s election, “Old Money” scowled at the prospect of a black man managing the helm of the world’s former superpower. Even in light of the extreme hypocrisy of “Old Money” continually squandering its own nest egg over and over, spoiled, elite, and disassociated Republicans still were holding a torch for the KKK. “Damn boy, didn’t you know that white man rules in good old America? Squeal like a pig! Take them panties off too boy. Didn’t you know Texans with oil and cattle rule the range in America?” It is not without fervor these anachronistic views will die. Ignorance has ruled the White House for eight long years, and “Old Money” is not dying without a fight. What was frightening was a comment made on Anderson Cooper’s coverage of the election. While assessing future President Obama’s victory speech, this female anchor reflected Obama’s words were similar to the words spoken by the late Martin Luther King the day before he was assassinated. The cameras panned and fortunately the subject was changed. It is difficult to tell with long and laborious hours spent covering a two year long event if joy is the major emotion of a nation. From the face of Brent Hume it appeared closure was what America was seeking. “Is it over?” From Barack Obama’s speech closure was far from the result. Conversely the fight has only begun, and “Old Money,” no matter how genuine the diplomacy of the Obama White House, is not going down without a fight.