Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Captain Ahab and the Black Jewel

What a disservice to the American people and an utter reinforcement of a “Campaign of Fear and Intimidation” is the suggesting that recent Somali pirating is connected to terrorist activity. It is an over reaction. While it is the job of intelligence officials to speculate, exaggerating a situation can be fatal. The Somali pirates should be applauded for cutting through Wall Street's ridiculous financial escapades and taking action into their own hands. Merchant shipping is operating at a loss because of the recent financial downturn, but that 100 million dollars worth of oil American’s have been buying now seems worthless? It is this shock therapy scare tactic economics that has destroyed our economy. If corporate America had been busy producing goods and services and selling them at a representative value this would not be happening. We are over thinking the problems losing sight supply and demand. Just because the price of oil has dropped at the pump in the last month does not suddenly mean oil is worthless. Any company that operates wisely within economic limits such as Americana oil companies that have posted record profits, would have no problem spending a few million dollars to hire Blackwater to go secure their ship. Maybe this pirating is a needed poke in the ribs to make the world understand wasting NATO troops in a snipe hunt is benefiting no one. Here’s the test. Mobilize and go seize that oil.