Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Media Scams

1984 has long since passed, but as history has shown the immediacy of the internet cannot change the apocalypse. While George Orwell’s prophecy for a totalitarian New World Order may have passed in dog years, the ramifications of his idea and many other writers of science fiction are coming to fruition at an alarming rate. It is difficult for America to “get with the program” because a corrupt media is the liaison between Pro-America and Anti-America. How could it be any American would wish the ways of Extreme Muslim on our native soil? That idea is the antithesis of the “American Way,” yet unprovoked violence still continues in America. Is it that most Americans use a “gut instinct” to determine their political views? This was reiterated in the media concerning presidential candidates. “Is it important how much intellectual knowledge the President or Vice-President has if they are able to make lucid, heart-felt decisions under pressure and stand by them?” It is a reasonable point, but in light of America’s deepening economic burden it would seem the American people deserve more. Our crisis has moved past the Bay of Pigs. We are not worrying about the threat of the invasion of Communism by Russians. We are worried about financial corruption in our own backyards. The Capitalist system most Americans depend upon on a daily basis is in jeopardy. It seems this is what it takes to bring an ongoing problem in the federal government to light. Until economic issues effect Americans directly, they will not respond. The decade of “feeding candy to the baby is over.” No longer can the Bush regime administer insulin shots to pacify the “snake.” America no longer can continue issuing temporary anodynes to the public in place of sound economic solutions. What is interesting is the vehicle upon which these false prophecies have ridden. Propaganda. George Orwell’s prophecy of Newspeak has come true, and as Rupert Murdoch continues to buy American media pathways of honesty in reporting the news will continue to become obscured. Has it finally occurred that this evil practice will effect everyone, the rich and the poor? Is this what it takes, or will the “powers at be,” the ones with the money will continue to let America spiral into a black hole to be judged by Jesus in God’s second appearance on earth? All eyes seem to look toward that day of judgment. Is there any way to change the immediate path of destiny and circumnavigate biblical prophecy? If we in this lifetime want to continue on a path of human proportions, we will have to come to grips with our own shortcomings and find a solution soon, lest God come and strike us down. Can we not prove prophecy anachronistic, at least for the moment?