Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Time for Americans

One only has to look at the environment in America to understand Nature vs. Nurture inevitably will fail. In the last decade with the lack of support of our public schools, lack of support for the quintessential role of the Environmental Protection Agency, and the horrific increase in violence in electronic entertainment, it just would be a matter of time before the Baby Boomers die, Generation X becomes complacent, and Generation Jihad takes over the world. While President George W. Bush’s foreign policy, in an extremist point-of-view, could be understood, it is difficult to understand how this single intention, a reaction, has usurped the entirety of traditional American culture. Why was it during the Viet Nam War between l965-l975 music flourished? It was because music as a humanitarian art was held in high esteem by the American people. Music had a tradition of providing happiness, hope, and diversion from the brutal reality of life in the United States. How else could it have been Big Bands financially were able to travel America’s back roads providing entertainment to a war torn country during the l930’s and l940’s? It seems music served a different function than it does today. It was concerned with broader human values influenced by the not too distant memories of American slavery. With what issues have Generation Jihad had to deal? American Idol? Getting kicked off the island? Not getting your sweet 16 party from daddy? American television has been no role model for behavior for our youth. Conversely the highly esteemed, American mandated, role model of television has reversed leaving the box nothing more than a dark, disturbing, shock-producing look into dysfunctional familial behavior. Who gets kicked out of the house? What does rock star daddy play with today? How much of a temper tantrum can shrimp boat captain throw tonight? Formulaic isn’t a strong enough word to describe television’s ill attempts at programming. To be formulaic there would have to have been enough thought to produce a formula. A formula could also imply there might be an underlying concept. What we have instead today is a sparring match of non-thinking, hedonistic, spoiled children that know no better. Nature vs. Nurture has failed and in the eyes of all of America. There is no talent. There is no concept. There is no formula. Nurture is providing nothing. Nature is providing what it will continue to provide until we as a race decide otherwise. If and when we decide what Mother Nature has to offer is beneficial to the human psyche, then an attempt will be made to preserve it. The things that provide inspiration, serenity, and love that motivate the human being to excel once again will be thought worth preserving. Otherwise we as a race will continue to fight, kill, and self-destruct until the second coming of Jesus Christ. It is not too late for America to redeem her place in the world, but there has to be a change of intent. Like brutal warriors we no longer only simply can respond to the seeming random threats of Muslim Extremists. We have to find a way to be smarter than terrorists, and that is not going to happen with the current state of domestic life in America. We must start on our home front attempting to provide peace and security to the human soul, before we can go off half-cocked to fight the War on Terror. We are suffering terribly as a culture, and it is time for the focus to change. We are Americans. We want to be nurtured for what we have to offer our country. We are not concerned with the people of Iraq, or we would have moved there. The President of the United States should be taking care of his own people.