Friday, May 16, 2008

LIB- Life in the Box

Slowly but surely substantial definitions of “Life in the Box” are emerging in America representing the major disparity between Conservatives and Liberals. How they became extreme is unknown, but one cannot mistake the stark difference between the two. The easiest way to define “Life in the Box” is as a shelter. Living LIB, our new acronym for “Life in the Box,” is the antithesis of the ‘lib’ in liberation. Living LIB means the person never is engaged in the deepest level of humanity. A person never is required to study, understand, and be responsible for their own perception of themselves, man, and human existence. LIB is a shelter from having to grow up. LIB in modern America has become a defense mechanism effectively being used to shield Conservatives from the effects they themselves have created living LIB. Hiding from the demands of mother earth have created effects which are inhibiting the progress of the human race and the earth. LIB temporarily shields Conservatives from these responsibilities. The majority of America now is living LIB, because we all can’t help but be effected. In a narrow scope artisans could be considered Liberals. Broadly this defines a working class person engaged in creating something. Attention must be paid to life and its requirements. Conservatives on the other hand could be considered robots, those with money who directly never deal with the creation of a product. They are our CEO’s used to making decisions (and taking vacations) from the comfort of corporate offices surrounded by the security of their Board of Directors. They have lived lives with a silver spoon in their mouths immune from the necessity of having to toil to make a buck to put food on their tables. They are not conscious of the struggle of man to survive. LIB has stunted their affectual experiences.. It is easier to live LIB, because they are not required to be engaged. (This is when barbiturate pharmaceuticals come in handy.) Things have been conservative for them. In a loose perspective it could be said Liberals “party hardy” and Conservatives do not. Conservatives ALWAYS are worried about their money; there is no time for partying. When one parties, they let their guard down. Someone could take advantage of them and take their money. As a result Conservatives exhibit conservative behaviors such as being reserved in conversation or outward representation of emotion. Liberals conversely embrace their need to “let go” purging their endorphins of “demons.” Music, dance, and other physical activities are part of this process. So is alcohol. Recently the media tried to expose what Hillary Clinton really was. Their perception was the disparity between a seemingly sophisticated wine sipper and a beer guzzler that enjoyed downing BoilerMakers. (a shot of whiskey in a beer) Simplistically these stereotypes still apply in what is left of mainstream America. There are geographic regions that are accustomed to manual labor for a living and its offshoots, and there are regions of ghetto where work is not so highly favored. Seriously I mean regions such as the skyscrapers of New York City that don’t have to get their hands dirty in the sewage of life. Today the traditional model still applies. There are the poor, the middle class, and the rich. It is not that hard to understand. What is difficult to swallow is LIB has spilled over into the working class, because these jobs are disappearing. Our environment also is disappearing, so we are left with nothing else except to live LIB. This has not been an active choice for modern America. It has been a decision pushed upon us by Conservatives who are comfortable in their black boxes. The rest of us who live in paper bags don’t have as thick walls, and therefore not as clean air, not as quiet evenings, and not as much immunity from crime. The traditional things that made up are existence are leaving us in a clandestine exodus. The infrastructure of America as we always have known it has disappeared into Hurricane Katrina, and we are yet to get it back. We are left sitting in the box, staring at the box, typing on the box, attempting to pay for the box. It’s too bad the slang vernacular of “box” doesn’t apply here, because it would be more pleasant. That too seems to have been taken away from us. Prostitution is legal in many other more enlightened and liberal countries, because they embrace sex as an integral part of human life. Instead of spinning the meaning of sex into tireless products, they choose simply to allow the product to be sold in its purest form. In many ways the actualization of this process shields them from the gender confusion that is so apparent in modern America. What would life be like without this spin? Pleasant.