Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Conservatives are for Satan
The idea of conservatism is in itself a death sentence. The state of the world today is living proof that sentencing the human race to a prison of conformist ideas devised by the wealthy is to mark the end of the world as we know it. Do we think for a moment that God suddenly stopped and said to Himself, “I think the human race should stop learning at a particular point in evolution.” Because the fiercely guarded doctrine of making money from the lower classes is effective for the rich, these principles do not apply to the survival needs of man as an mammal. How to arrange your portfolio as we are seeing on a daily basis has nothing to do with helping the world survive. Conversely its steadfast rules are at odds with ground zero. The Bush White House could be no better example of this blasphemous and deranged philosophy. To be so irresponsible as to think the children of your children will be around to clean up your mess is mockingly arrogant and selfish, but so is George Bush Jr. As Hillary is saying in her newly passionate campaign speeches, “The times of cowboy diplomacy are over.” We have long outlived the need for a cocky sheriff that takes credibility from his money belt. Conservatism if applied to a staid and sequestered community may be an effective dogma. Images of puritan religions come to mind such as the Amish. To call yourself conservative is an obvious declaration of your own inability to be able to think for yourself, because it allows you to hide in the former decisions of others. In a world that is changing as rapidly as ours, this will no longer suffice. Things are as they have never been in history and taking a conservative approach meaning, “Things will turn out okay if we just leave them alone,” is truly a death sentence. Our planet is creaking and groaning under the ill administered responsibilities Republicans have delegated to mother earth. The O-Zone is deteriorating. Trees are disappearing. Water is being contaminated, and we are roasting our own planet in an array of electricity. Republicans don’t care, because the selfishness of getting for yourself doesn’t translate to altruistic love. If this is what Capitalism means to the right, how does a democratic left even exist? They are at odds in values, where R represents monetary gain and D represents humanity. Can it be a faction of society is so sheltered that only money will suffice for happiness? That would mean their conservatism is so strong it will not allow the base hierarchal needs of Maslow to make themselves known. Their small minds never have had to contend with anything other than being spoiled. For this reason revolutions occur when a ruling class is so out of sync with the needs of reality. Hiding in a conservative shell can no longer be a viable option in the politics of the United States of America. We needed a bridge to the 21st century. Instead we reaped a gaping chasm of schizophrenia, a thistly running vine punctuated with the thorns of Satan. The way of God is one of enlightenment, and the way of Satan is death. Actively and loudly ascribing yourself to death is laughable and only reserved for those so spoiled they no longer know how to think for themselves. The common man has no such luxury. The misplaced people of New Orleans have no such luxury. Those with no health insurance have no such luxury. The mentally and physically handicapped have no such luxury. Conservatism is for the rich and the broken-hearted are for God. God offers the hope of prosperity and happiness and it is only He who will save this country.