Thursday, September 06, 2007
A Government of Fear and Intimidation. Are We Ready for Armageddon?
It is inescapable we are existing at the base level of civilization. We have yet to recover from 9/11. With that anniversary right around the corner there will be no present to be had. There will be no diamond necklace, bouquet of roses, or perfume to celebrate this day in history. Conversely we will be reminded that America’s security was breeched on her native soil for the first time since the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Viewed in that perspective the War in Iraq seems justified. It’s too bad history has shown us there was no tangible connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda, the group that professed the attack. Instead we, like ex-District Attorney Mike Nifong, gullibly attempted to prosecute before the enemy had been proven guilty. Nifong got a fine and a day in jail. America got an unnecessary war and the responsibility of destroying a foreign country. All the propaganda cannot change those facts. There has been no nation-building. We did overthrow and prosecute an evil dictator who was punished with death. What consequences will the United States reap for our crime? That is what is fueling world unrest at the moment. How will America be held accountable for her unwarranted action against the country of Iraq? It is ironic and so similar to every other elite-created bubble of hype, we will not get the oil. Conversely history and ethics will prove we should be punished for our actions. It could be said we had the punishment first. 9/11 was the sacrifice, so we can call it even. The question is what to do next? There were no dire consequences when President Richard M. Nixon piloted an exit strategy from Viet Nam, except that one in every four servicemen had a drug habit. It seems the brutal murderous reality of war does merit an anodyne of some kind. Marijuana and heroin were the popular choices. Currently we in America have no such escape. Ronald Reagan proclaimed a holy war on Haight/Ashbury and the all but harmless to the country’s security Flower Power Hippie drug movement. At least then there was social idealism behind the drugs. Intelligent college students were using drugs as a means of escape from the cold reality of Viet Nam. Now you can go to prison for life for possessing too much marijuana. Is this not extreme seen in the chronology of history? Why did legislators see fit to attach such a severe form of punishment to a constitutionally protected right to the pursuit of happiness? This law is symptomatic of a movement in government that began attempting to legislate morality. Why would they do this? If the concept of separation of church and state were taken too literally, then the whole reason and need of religion would be rendered impotent. This movement continues to this day as major publications continue to spin traditional historical religious values. Morality is learned in the home and in church. The laws of America are meant to protect citizens, not punish them for making the wrong moral decisions. In essence laws that do such are punishing human beings for being human. This easily has dictated a socio-political movement that has suffocated human behavior. While the cleaning up of New York city’s Times Square is probably a good thing, without the experiences of vice the human being will be prevented from learning the difference between right and wrong. That is why God gave us a conscience. We have the innate ability through our emotional responses to learn what is right and wrong. This process relies upon our emotions. Somehow the extreme far right took over government and began to substitute intellect for instinct. Upon perusal that’s what the Republican party is good at. They are cold, calculating manipulators of fact and figure. That is the America we have today and we as a race of human beings are suffering. How can a human minority choose to negate a major component of God’s design? The history of Western Civilization documents that this component is a crucial part of human existence. Why else would the Arts be based upon it? To simply say, “We no longer are going to value this process” is complete blasphemy. Therefore the Republican party can be seen as evil in the eyes of God. The sterility in our American society has taken it toll on just about everything. Suicide rates are up. New diseases are emerging every day. People are dying because the core needs of the human being are no longer being met. We have been legislated a race of mindless soulless androids. Androids are easier to control when they neither think or feel. Television has been the major delegator of this propaganda. Its active choice of only presenting images of grossly stereotypical, preconceived, shells of a human beings has continued to brainwash a populace all ready ill equipped to deal with reality. It simply comes down to a matter of pollution, pollution on a grand scale. Our environment is polluted rendering us physically unable to function in the historical context of the human being, and our minds are being polluted by media and the government. Rightly so it seems we are destined for Armageddon.