Sunday, August 19, 2007

Today’s Top Three List of Staid, Self-Serving, Nazi, Merchant Groups (who with the City Counsel) Have Outlawed Bicycle Riding, Rollerblading, Skateboarding, and Scooter Riding To and From Their Businesses in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

1. Historic Downtown Fayetteville and 300 Block Investors (Menno Pennink, Tommy Bradford, Ralph Hugg, Mark Stout)

2. Stout Properties/Eutaw Shopping Center

3. Tri-Player Investments, L.L.C./Westwood Shopping Center

P.S. The County of Cumberland states it is illegal to do any of the above on their public property. Better stay out of their schools and parks, lest you be cited for trespassing.

Since when did it become a crime to ride your bike to the 7/11 to buy an ICEE in the smoldering summer heat? Glory Days are over… Nazi's. The city of Fayetteville is not a "gated community" or Highland Country Club, even if you would like it to be.