Sunday, August 19, 2007
Tesla and the Mine Collapse
On an episode of Orange County Choppers which aired a year ago, a phenomenon occurred that had the shop in disarray. An expensive and unfinished custom chopper that was designed and being built by the Teutul Clan inexplicably fell off the rack. The Paul’s were mystified, confused, and concerned. The bike, representing their livelihood, was in jeopardy at the whim of some unseen and misunderstood force. How could such a thing (Murphy’s Law) enter their shop and like an aeronautic gremlin wreak havoc on their highly coveted creation? What force had the characteristics necessary to make a bike weighing hundreds of pounds move and then fall off of its perch? What force could make a bridge collapse in Minneapolis, Minnesota? What force could cause the earth to move creating a cave in in a mine in Huntington, Utah? While other forces in nature could be responsible as well as the neglected necessary maintenance by man, it is more plausible the combination of a natural force irresponsibly misunderstood by man and his failure to manage it could have caused these things. The government has always known magnetic fields are not healthy for human beings. An electro-magnetic wave is a duality, a combination of an electrical charge and a magnetic field being propagated in the air. To look at a diagram of one of these waves should raise doubts, because like the windings in an AC induction motor, they just look demonic. It has taken man a long time to harness the power of the Tesla-derived AC induction motor. It was not until the early l990’s that General Electric, in cooperation with Siemens, began to mass produce low frequency drives for use in rail, marine, and industrial applications. The first example of their mainstream use could be represented by the “Taos Hum.” General Electric, undercontract by Molycorp, Inc., designed and built an underground conveyor system to haul molybdenum ore from the mine to the refinery. This replaced an existing DC rail system with a slow moving conveyor belt powered by these new AC drives. Unlike traditional DC motors with mechanical “brushes” whose speed is controlled by amperage, AC drives emply a rotating electro-magnetic field to turn the rotor with no contact between the stator and the rotor. The stator requires a complex series of “windings” to produce that magnetic field. The speed of these motors has always been the problem. It was not until the advent of the (P)ersonal (C)omputer a suitable method was found. A software program processes the electricity after it is rectified into DC. Then it is “inverted” back to AC with a new and complex circuit called an IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) or Thrysistor. The frequency of the processed AC current becomes the speed of the motor. In essence when the drives are turning slow, which is their main use and strong point, the AC power feeding them is the same frequency. Because there is a tremendous amount of residual electricity being “resisted” in the circuits, it creates a hum. I am not sure if these rotating electro-magnetic fields could be the corresponding source of low frequency electro-magnetic waves, or only if a radio transmitter oscillator can produce these. It would be worth researching. What is known is “The Hum” is being heard because its source is underground. Sound not only travels more quickly through solids than air, it also is a manifestation of radio waves. Otoacoustic is a term used to describe sound produced in the ear by a means other than external sound. It is most commonly thought of as radio-produced. There have been documented instances where people have been able to “hear” radio waves by the resulting otoacoustic sounds they produce in the human ear. Tinnitus may be the best examples of this. Phosphenes similarly are visual effects “seen” by people from increased electrical activity in the retina of the eye. It stands to reason radio waves at any given frequency are not going to produce positive effects in the human being. It is all ready common knowledge certain frequencies of electromagnetic waves are dangerous to humans. Ultra-Violet, Infra-Red, X-Rays, and Gamma radiation are examples of these. How could low frequency electro-magnetic radiation be any different? If infrasonic frequencies of sound are the most destructive could it not be extrapolated these parallel frequencies of electricity could produce similar effects? Magnetic waves pulsate. The brain uses electrical waves for thought and emotion. The human heart beats. Any extraneous waves effecting these systems could be detrimental to human functions. How could electro-magnetic energy effect a bridge and the earth like the human body? The universe is made up of space filled with rapidly oscillating atoms. If they are disrupted by another force that is also oscillating, then their all ready existing documented characteristics could be weakened. Just like the appearance of visible light could be being effected by modulation of its frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum, the properties of elements in the periodic table could be being adversely effected by electro-magnetic waves. Humans crave “stability.” Bombarding our elements, our bodies, and therefore our minds with extraneous electrical energy is unmerited. The powers of the mind (creativity) can not be unleashed when “the power” is “empowered” by artificial, irresponsible, man-made means.