Saturday, August 04, 2007
The President Elect
When Americans venture to the polls in November if 2008, the future of the United States is at stake. While it was gratifying to see our youth population rally recently and vote the Democrats back into power in the House and Senate, the presidential election of 2008 is more important. It is unfortunate such a limited amount of candidates are available. What are we looking for as a president? One primary characteristic that seems to be important to the American people is looking “presidential”. There is a norm here, and politically savvy candidates should be aware of it. J.F.K. was unsuccessful in his early years vying for election, because he did not look the part. It was not until he began taking drugs his emaciated body expanded making him look “more presidential.” The people tend to want a man who looks fit, although we know from history this has nothing to do with being an effective president. It looks good on television. A black suit and a red “power tie” complete the package. Debonair graying hair is a plus combed neatly in a short doo. Bill Clinton had these characteristics and successfully used them in his campaign. The President should be a good speaker, because in times of distress he can unite the people in a common cause. He can also rally the people to action, although in this day and age politicians need no part of the American people. This was John F. Kennedy’s strong suit. He was an intelligent man with little small talk like Richard Nixon. Although he was from an affluent and politically influential family, he was educated. Speaking from the heart about issues one has studied in school and learned about in real life politics is effective in earning the voters’ trust. The current process of a political party devising characteristics for the would be president based upon polls will no longer suffice. If the American people wanted a man that looks nice in a suit, holds hands with his wife, goes to church on Sunday, and has reared children, then they may be suitably disappointed by their president’s qualifications to do the job. One thing that James Carvel continually said about Bill Clinton was he was always up in the morning to “do the job.” Let me repeat that. “Do the job.” Being president is a job. It is a political office that is elected by the American people, but it is not just to be a figure head as in the case of George Bush Jr. We have found out the difficult way George was unqualified for the job of President. Why was that? It is because to be a truly effective president one has to be an intellectual. George would be more comfortable running a ranch in Texas. What is an intellectual? An intellectual is one that reads, thinks, and continues to learn in life. There is no comfort level. Everyday you are faced with a different set of problems that must be solved. Without intellectual knowledge this is not possible. An intellectual has wisdom. Wisdom is the effective use of knowledge. One must have had many experiences at different ages to become wise. This is the definition of education. Education differs from schooling in that it comes from wisdom obtained from real life experiences. If you experience something and fail, you are more likely to amend the process to complete the task successfully. That is the philosophy behind letting a child burn his finger on a hot stove. When they experience pain, it will literally burn a memory in their soul that will guide them in the future. Schooling attempts to teach a series of lessons that attempt to bring about successful results without necessarily having had the true life experiences. Both processes are necessary in a well-rounded president. An intellectual best can be represented by an academic. Academics are required to publish. That means they must stay on top of their game. An academic can also be called an ” independent scholar.” Madeline Albright was an academic making her well qualified for the position of Secretary of State. Condoleezza Rice is also an academic having been a Dean many years. Diplomacy is another characteristic needed to be an effective president. Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations, was an effective diplomat. A diplomat knows how to talk to people peacefully to solve world problems. Washington or the beltway has evolved into a playground for Democrats and Republicans. It has reduced politics in the United States to bargaining between two major parties. When these parties become divided and unwilling to yield in their opinions, we have what we have now in politics, a stalemate. They are stymied. America needs to replace this group of antiquated men and begin anew with a fresh batch of intellectuals. Looking at the current group of presidential hopefuls who best qualifies as an academic, a diplomat, an effective speaker, and looks presidential? Colloquialism hurts a candidate. When men and women speak in a dialect, they alienate people from varying regions of the United States. There was a Civil War in America’s past, and sentiments of the division between North and South still exist. Speaking like a Southerner or a Yankee may isolate a particular candidate. That has been proven in electoral history. Phil Gram may be the best example. Speaking relies upon the proper use of the English language. American English is a dialect of the King’s English. While many Americans may not enjoy hearing a British accent, William Shakespeare can be considered the best writing example of the King’s English. Grammar and usage are necessary. Slang is taboo. Catch phrases or “sound bites” are also unacceptable. Nicknames are inappropriate. Only if the ADHD of the country has become so severe would these things be necessary. Presidents merely are men, so they desserve forgiveness. One should look at a President’s record of achievement and decide accordingly if their mistakes merit forgiveness. Impeaching a President Bill Clinton for infidelity was improper, because his private life is and should have been separate from his professional life. For the Rebublican Party to make a generalization about the president’s professional ability based upon infidelity is ridiculous. Many president’s had highly publicized extramarital affairs including John F. Kennedy. In a situation such as his who better than his cuckold wife could want her husband dead, especially if he had sex with America’s greatest sex symbol in tghe public eye? Bill Clinton’s record of efficiency in the presidency should have served as his reputation, not the media-produced spectacle, “That woman Ms. Lewinsky.” Likewise Richard Nixon’s ending of the Vietnam War also should be remembered moreso than the Watergate Scandal. He unlike George Jr. resigned the presidency. Life and politics are a compromise, and the most effective candidates know this. CEO's ike attorneys are not necessarily the best choices as political leaders. Is running the United States like running a corporation? One could say so only in the case of a successful company in the public’s eye. Lee Ioacca is an example of this. Former Secretary of the Treasury John Snow at one time was CEO of more than one major corporation at the same time, yet he was ineffective in that position. The president should be interested in government, of which there are many forms. Knowledge of other systems of government is enlightening. As we as a young country are learning today, the United States is the new kid on the block. How we rose to a world superpower in a few centuries is perplexing. It is being proven on a daily basis in Washington, spoiled rich children are not qualified to run the country. Our founding fathers earned this right considering the multitude of strife they survived to win independence from Great Britain. The ideals of the country were never far from mind. Today one must search long and hard to find any recollection of what America stands.