Friday, August 24, 2007
Infected Hemorrhoids
The media circus that is the televised American presidential campaign is a mockery. As Barack Obama told Jon Stewart on the Daily Show on Comedy Central, “We all know it is a game.” When did life in the United States become a game? For millions of Americans without health care, homes, and security for their future how could we let media turn our presidential election into a game? It is so far fetched almost to be unfathomable. It now appropriately is dubbed the “Game Show” campaign, where contestants line up to win the prize of the presidency of the United States. What juvenile, adolescent, irresponsible minds could subvert out political process so greatly? I can barely stomach the process. Life in the United States has never been a game. After the cataclysmic event of September 11, 2001 you would expect a greater appreciation for the sacrifice of human life. Likewise as soldiers continue to die in Iraq President Bush merrily continues to stump for his War on Terror. There was nothing more horrendous than a president visiting his troops at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. With the perfect opportunity to say thank you to the brothers and sisters of hundreds of men and women who have sacrificed their lives, Bush instead chose to promote the welfare of the people of Iraq. It was sheer blasphemy. Staring into the eyes of our Army being sent into war to have their arms and legs shot off, Bush spoke only of the welfare of the Iraqi people. This man’s responsibility is to be the new president of Iraq. He should resign his post as the President of the United States and volunteer to lead the nation of Iraq. That would be a fitting job. Let’s see if he can handle that job with or without Karl Rove. It may be a second generation of slackers who think the presidential election is a useless game, a front for the true power in the United States. Do they know something that we do not? Is one of those few families that controls the world with their money casually laughing at my writing? “You really think young man it is possible to live outside of our little black box?” Think again. That is why we had the mob. Although I have respect for Rudy Giuliani for cleaning up New York and prosecuting the Gambino crime family, I miss their presence. We as a country needed them. At least the Italian mafia was distant enough from the American bullshit they could see through the hypocrisy. We need organized crime as a system of checks and balances for our federal government. Without them you get what we have now. “Keep it real.” The mob was real enough. What could be more real than murder, money laundering, extortion, gambling, and drugs? In this Republican led right wing hospital of a country, every bit of soul has been extracted like carcinogens from a diseased body. Someone decided human beings are no longer allowed to feel. Who decided childlike optimism is the proper attitude of our mainstream? We must be crazy. Religion and the suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross is what gives us our soul. Without the realization and appreciation that God sacrificed his only son for us, there is no soul. Many people think a God that would do that is not worthy of representing them. They don’t get it. They don’t understand humility, and the sacrifice the human race must make to earn their keep on God’s planet. There is no free lunch. There is no welfare. There are no short cuts. If we must get taken back to the Dark Ages for the world to understand this concept, then surely it will happen. The process has all ready begun.