Bad things are happening in the electromagnetic spectrum. While we as a world have tried diligently to circumvent the use of nuclear weapons because of their dire effects on the human body, it seems we are blind to other more subtle effects of overuse of the electromagnetic spectrum. What possible phenomenon could cause the most dangerous form of skin cancer, melanoma, to rise 40% in the last decade? The destruction of the O-Zone layer over the South Pole by the United States Navy may have something to do with it. It hasn’t been proven that the newest 40% of people contracting melanoma lived at the South Pole. Why has the sun not caused this damage before now? Has our food, water, and air supply suddenly become tainted with toxic chemicals causing skin cancer? There is a simple answer to this question which to the human eye is invisible. When something is invisible it tends to be represented by the phrase, “out of sight, our of mind.” It is due time the Environmental Protection Agency took notice since the FCC continues to loosen its regulations on the “licensed for communication” bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. When microwave ovens first came out people speculated they might not be healthy for our food. What effect does electromagnetic radiation have on human tissue? Crank up the frequency to gamma levels and/or take a look at the film footage of the United States’ dropping the bomb on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The body simply melts from the heat. There were accounts that said living human beings had nothing but blobs of flesh for heads. There were no orifices, because the soft tissues just melted. Although radio and television signals seem not to have created dire consequences for the human race, it may be prudent for the EPA to take more action monitoring and regulating electromagnetic emissions. Luckily a court in California ruled against the United States’ Navy’s mid frequency SONAR systems. They have been proven to disoriented and beach certain species of whale. The decibel levels the Navy was using certainly could cause harm to marine life, considering sound travels faster through water than through air. If there has been a 40% rise in skin cancer in only the last decade, then one must look at things that have been put into place that were not there a decade ago. One obvious choice is the “wireless communications industry.” With every new product that comes onto the market, there is more electromagnetic energy being transmitted through our air. I haven’t studied physics to know if electromagnetic waves can exist in a vacuum without air or other gases. I assume they can, but we as human beings must share our air with these waves. One thing that clearly suggests bad things are happening in the spectrum is HOW the world looks today. Digital media has changed the way things look because of less use of analog recording media. Does digital photography look as good as tradition film-based photography? Is digital video as aesthetically pleasing as celluloid film? Analog media smears frequencies of sound and image causing them to mix in a way that is pleasing to the eyes and ears. The recording industry found out the hard way upping the resolution of recording systems and eliminating ambient sound produced stark sound that may not be as pleasing to the human ear. How has a similar process occurred in the electromagnetic spectrum? If we are using more and more frequencies that once were deemed inappropriate for use by the FCC, it stands to reason the modulation of these frequencies by one another could be producing ill effects. I feel the world does not look the say it did ten years ago, because the visible spectrum of light is being subtly modulated by other frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum. Things look more harsh to me, like the result of the bleaching effect used on the film in the sci-fi movie Pitch Black. The once vibrant and pleasing hues found in mother nature are being suitably effected by invisible electromagnetic pollution. This could also account for the 40% rise in melanoma levels in the last ten years. Pundits always have said with substantial medical documentation, electromagnetic energy is not good for human tissue. I bought a case study from the government on low frequency radio wave pollution, and it clearly showed damage to human beings at the cellular level. Because hydrofluorocarbon emissions have not risen that dramatically in the last decade, there must be some other reason these adverse things are happening. Since the advent of the OBDll emissions test for automobiles, the automobile industry has lessened their emissions in the environment. Seeing as I have to spend hundreds of dollars each year to pass my vehicle inspection because of this test, something good must be resulting. Evaporating fuel vapors are being trapped by a charcoal canister later to be injected into your automobile’s intake manifold improving gas mileage. How could it be that the decade of the 70’s did not document more ill health effects when the catalytic converter did not even exist? While I believe the burning of fossil fuels is not good for the environment, I do not think they are the sole cause of Global Warming. Electromagnetic radiation by definition produces as much heat, and it is clear more frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum are being used than ever before with very little regulation from the FCC.
P.S. Wikipedia: Radio Transmitters- "a broadcast transmitter with a megawatt power stage transferring 98% of that into the antenna can also be viewed as a 20 kilowatt electric heater."