Saturday, August 25, 2007
The Bullshit That is Television
What kind of superficial, bubble gum, poppy cock nation are we? While you can’t use TV to represent the mainstream anymore, the rest of the world is still programmed to think so. What must they think? We know they don’t like our politics. If television were next in line for evaluation they wouldn’t like it either, because it doesn’t represent anything. How have we become so far removed from the human condition? It seems we need some lessons from Bill Shakespeare. What happened to literature? What happened to drama? What happened to music? The most grievous mistake has been made to think art or good entertainment will come from what is now a tepid, selfish, and shallow existence. Mr. Sandler and company are not really helping much pumping out adolescent farce comedies one after the other. In the not so far distant past children in America were forced to grow up by being exposed to adult content, and I don’t mean pornography. TV, movies, and music dealt with real life adult issues. That was before adults stopped buying media. When the youth of America became the greatest buying force quality in entertainment stopped. The education of our youth through media stopped. It seems the essential need to educate our youth in the public schools also has stopped. The family unit has all but dissolved. What does that leave? The abyss. The void. Rock bottom. A black hole. There will be a Renaissance, because there is so much in existence to be happy about. It’s just that it may not be all about making cheap money. The Beatnik or Hippy movement in the l960’s may not have been off base. Discard your material needs for the greater love. We are probably taking the same amount of prescription drugs as all of Woodstock, but we are doing it in denial and hypocrisy. The Republican right has P.C.ed us into thinking human desire and emotion is taboo. How could that be when a major school of colleges and universities is call The Humanities? Who decided that the human condition is something of which to be ashamed? The purpose of religion and the Bible especially is to document the real history of mankind. When this ridiculous far right faction successfully and covertly has indoctrinated America with bullshit, where are we to turn? Media has made a CONSCIOUS decision as Big Brother in George Orwell’s novel l984 to create Newspeak. While they may not be rewriting the news, they systematically have made a decision to disguise recent history. How have they done this? Time/Life music for one has bought the rights to the majority of radio music for the last seven decades. The drama of the struggle of the American people as represented in our radio music is no longer being reinforced. You have to buy it, and it is expensive. Why have MTV, VH-1 and BET stopped playing music and turned to trite reality programming? Someone has to provide the example of enlightened existence.