Monday, July 30, 2007

Confused Extremism

As you grow older the availability of women becomes more complex. In many other countries that are more liberal than the foundling United States, tribal customs allow more diverse relationships. The puritan rules of our conservative society pale in comparison. Grandparent-aged men and women are allowed to court and wed teenagers. The prospect of an older man marrying a younger woman in the United States today still remains a high profile media extravaganza. Why is it America has cast its roots in such limiting philosophies, and the models of Victorian England still stand? Society replete with its Cotillion and emerging debutants casts its looming shadow over the freedoms of our people. European traditions of court mandate parents choose their children’s spouses based on the prospect of economic wealth. The rewarding element of experience in romance is that over the years you have had the opportunity to enjoy many types of relationships. The key is time. When one looks back and remembers love, each incident occurred in a different time period and at a different age. Who is to say which type of relationship is best? Can the feelings in an adolescent relationship sustain into adulthood? Is there a specific age when one becomes an adult, so that frivolous mannerisms in adolescence become extinct? Can an adult relationship be based upon the animal chemistry of young love? When becoming an adult does the mind take over and decide cognitively when to allow the physical body to be in love? Many seem to think a soul mate, one with a similar emotional profile, is the basis of love. Because someone feels what you do doesn’t necessarily mean you have to love them. As a man becomes older all of these factors are at play in acquiring a mate. An older man should be more adept adjusting to different women, because he has had experience with a variety of age groups over the years. Is the thought of resuscitation of adolescent “puppy love” a forbidden fruit? Is this the allure of youthfulness? Depending upon your personal experiences one could have had pleasing and satisfying relationships or dysfunctional ones. Certainly the thought of budding young nubile women suggests sexual bliss, but is this really love? As in Christina Aguilera’s case how can a woman of so few years suggest she knows anything about the art of love? Her proclamation a few years ago accompanied by a sordid magazine pictorial did nothing but harm her career, because a proclamation of infidelity ultimately is perceived as a character flaw. Who cares if you are loose? Many young female singers have tried this ploy to promote their careers, and unfortunately this has become most important in pop music. Mariah Carey started as a shy girl from a burrow in New York barely showing any skin in her early videos. After her divorce from Tommy Lipuma she became liberated, had breast implants, and let it all hang out. Tony Braxton chose a particular dress to wear on the Grammy’s that shocked the nation. She looked beautiful and sexy, but those characteristics can not substitute for professional song-writing, a crack sound engineer, talented musicians, and a savvy producer. Although the recent trend of female sexual abstinence until marriage is a little over the top, conservation of one’s sexuality for personal enjoyment is wise. Why would any family dress their child up in a cowboy outfit with make up and send them into the pageant arena? With stiff penalties for pedafiles and much of that being fueled by the internet, why would a family want to contribute to the delinquency of depraved men? Recently when a guest aboard a cruise ship upon which I was working began taking pictures of a shop keeper’s buxom cleavage, she was surprised. The only reason you wear such clothing is so people will notice you. If you have stellar physical attributes people can’t help but notice. If you don’t want people to look, than don’t dress that way. The courtship ritual in America has become tainted with immaturity. Television’s bad examples are not helping our youth’s morality. The steady decline of our public education system is a contributing factor. With either a single parent or two parents working, our youth have been abandoned to the internet as a guide in growing up. This is not an acceptable method of rearing children, because analysts all ready have said if new jobs did appear, there would be no work force available to take the jobs. Dick and Jane are too busy text messaging, playing video games, and watching television shows which offers a false hope of becoming America’s next pop star. It seems the Republican party is incapable of beginning to empower a new generation of Americans. Old money is proving to be a stumbling block for the survival of our country. As our economy has turned away from a stable and substantial manufacturing base and toward moving money around in the market, who is going to carry the torch for the traditional infrastructure of the United States? All our youth have is predictions of when Social Security will be bankrupt. Daily television news can only report on which next mega merger will blow a stock market bubble which will surely pop in a few weeks. Have we become a country of only smoke and mirrors? Is this a responsible representation of the world’s greatest superpower? The guilds of the Middle Ages once were influential to the infrastructure of America. Why have these and other viable traditions been abandoned? Is it that we are too lazy to value our own products manufactured with integrity, pride, and the Protestant work ethic? Is it that cheap Chinese imports replaced our need to produce goods? We are experiencing the downside of that onslaught of unsupervised importation with tainted dog food, lead-ridden paint, and diseased produce. “Can you ask for anything more,” as George Gershwin’s song says? I think we can and we should, and other periods of prosperity can serve a guide to a more fruitful and enlightened society. I am having a hard time justifying the continued pursuit of music, because the Extreme Islam terrorist faction is spreading vitriol laden with guilt. Anytime someone in the Iraq tells a joke, listens to music, or dances they are tortured or shot. We can not continue to allow Extreme Islam rituals to influence our culture. Gabriel blew the trumpet in exaltation of God’s presence. Time and time again in the Bible, not the Coran, Jesus said dance for joy. The arts are meant to lead us away from ignorance, violence, and immorality. There is no reason our society should feel guilt for pursuing enlightened subjects of the humanities and sciences. They represent God and the Renaissance and were provided for us as such. A focus upon such things will strengthen the idea of God, because no scientist could be so vain to proclaim these miraculous disciplines were created by man. They were created for man by our God. Any religion that erroneously prophecies suicide as a vehicle for sexual bliss with virgins is depraved, and its followers should be treated as criminals. Historically our world has suffered from these atrocities before. The fall of the Holy Roman Empire and the Great Schism are examples. How is it that religion, that which through Christianity offers brotherly love, mistakenly has been cast as corrupt? Maybe a religious pilgrimage is imminent in the United States, citizens marching in search of a more appropriate representation of our Deity. It is time God made a second coming and put man in his place.