Sunday, June 03, 2007

Got Hum?

Early in the l990’s a phenomena appeared in Taos, New Mexico. People began to complain about a low-pitched noise that was effecting their sleep habits and overall concentration. The story merited enough substance to appear on the national evening news, and subsequently a website appeared devoted to the Taos Hum. There has been rampant speculation over the cause of the hum, almost reaching cult status. I began hearing the hum in Columbus, Ohio, so I did a bit of research on the web. After about six months I was able to locate the source of the Taos Hum and link its origin to other hum incidents. The hum was often transient, coming and going from place to place. The explanation was found by a government survey team but largely rejected either from corporate intimidation or apathy from the federal government. The manufacturers of the equipment that causes the hum are a large, corporate monopoly in the United States. It is interesting to note the emergence of the hum coincides with the appearance of a number of physical and psychological disorders new to America. Our medical establishment with the support of drug companies have failed to find causes, cures, and treatments in many cases. It seems, because the field of medicine is a provider of wealth in America, treating symptoms is more important than understanding the causes. The American Cancer Society has been accused of fraud citing they will not receive national funding if they indeed find cures to cancer. As a result alternate holistic styles of cancer treatments have surfaced, notably Dr. Lorraine Day’s 10 step method of mostly natural cures. Many people agree that further disabling the immune system with radioactive poison is not an effective means of fighting cancer. Attention Deficit Disorder has widely weakened the overall health of Americans, and its effects can be seen everywhere. It is almost comical how our drug companies create easily palletable acronym’s for each new “disease.” It is surprising the overall medical community can find no causes for these new maladies. Both Kurt Cobain and Columbine High School had hum. While not trying to be insensitive to the parents of slain children, there seems to be a tangible connection between youth violence and hum occurance. While a murderous rampage and subsequent suicides are extreme, America has been flanked with violence since her inception. Coupling the hum with the sometimes severe pressures of puberty and adolescence and a household replete with guns may have been, in the case of Coumbine High School, a formula for disaster. Whether the hum could drive someone to commit murder is a valid premise, and it should alert those responsible for the hum to reflect upon their own moral and ethical responsibilities to America. Even if only a small percentage of Americans hear, feel, and suffer from the hum, their Constitutional right to the “Pursuit of Happiness” is being infringed upon. It is unfortunate in a time of war our national defense takes precedence over the quality of lives of millions of suffering Americans.