America cannot be considered a “free” country if there are not available choices. Choice defines freedom, does it not? If we are “the home of the free,” then we as a people need to decide once and for all what those choices should be. It shouldn’t be rocket science.
Today’s Top Ten List of “Free” Choices in America (for the ignorant)
1. Can I choose to use tobacco products (both in private and in public)?
2. Can I choose to drink alcoholic beverages?
3. Can I choose to look at pornography in private?
4. Can I choose to watch violence on television?
5. Can I choose to use drugs in private?
6. Can I choose to buy sex from the Capitalist “Free Market in private?”
7. Can I speak freely in public (and private)?
8. Can I bear arms (in private)?
9. Can we organize or protest (in public)?
10. Can I burn the American flag in protest?