Monday, February 26, 2007
Let's Call a Spade a Spade
In times long ago before the advent of what is now camp Political Correctness, one could have "called a spade a spade." Whether some negroes would have taken offense to the phrase, that is both individuality and individualism. Individualism is very similar to a medieval musical practice known as "Musica Reservata." This philosophy suggests the needs of the masses are greater than the needs of the artists, usually the minority. If PC is judged using the connotation of individualism, it means offense taken from a slang statement is more important than the idea it is trying to convey. If there is no idea or ideology, then the offense could be merited. Anyone who is slandered has the right to protest, but in a case where the derogatory comment is meant to illuminate a potentially harmful social or political injustice, that is a different scenario. Calling a spade a spade is a phrase coined with eventual truth in mind. Any racial inferences should be overlooked for sheer integrity of the situation at hand. Political Correctness, a decade after its widespread seminal introduction into American society, should be called a spade. It simply was a socio-political campaign to quiet the American people against government. In all probability it was presented clandestinely as to appear to represent the American people themselves. In reality it was conceived as a movement coupled with religious conservatism meant to undermine the principle of democracy, our form of governmental rule in the United States of America. The retracting of prayer in our public schools, religious symbols in public government buildings, and the idea of God from our population along with the administration of political correctness has been simply a covert assault on our people and our country by an evil political regime. Let's call a spade a spade and let the definitions of integrity, spirituality, and hope prosecute the case.