Saturday, August 19, 2006
If we are intended to live in "cyberworld" rather than our traditional world, some allowances must be recognized. First what is the validity of the information we are using? The internet began as a network for the Department of Defense which linked computers together to allow scientist studying the atom bomb to share research. I don't know where Al Gore came up with his idea, but this was the original internet. Academic or scholarly databases are linked together for easy retrieval of data. With the commercialism of the internet consumers must be acutely aware of the source of the information they are consuming. Computers have crept their way into schools. I never thought this was a good idea, but educators were faced with the task of keeping the interest of psychologically diseased young people. Without ADD this would not be as much of a problem. Book learning has had a tradition of success. There has been nothing takes its place in centuries. Why, with the onset of the PC, would educators begin to second guess their methods just like the mainstream infrastructure of the US? It is because we thought it was the next big 'thing.' There are times, like in the sacred bond of marriage, where institutions should prevail. This is one of them. The time for youth cultural to educate US is over. Use the PC as a personal entertainment center at home. Use it in moderation as a tool for research, but RESIST the desire to use it for what it is becoming, a substitute for life.