There was an author on the Jon Stewart show the other night that said the whole Hezbollah/Israeli conflict was spin. I didn't follow everything he said, but the gist of it was, everything in the news is just an image to represent or be the catalyst for something else. That would mean the "media" right now is being playing by political factions like a giant theatrical production. Higher ups literally are playing chess with our countries. Is this reasonable? Is it reasonable to believe there is a conspiracy, and events such as 9/11 are results of a calculated plan to control the world? Is metrosexuality really a guise to weaken the human race so they can be dominated by the crab people? It is an interesting scenario. While I can't give credence to what would appear to be the pinnacle of all evil, I do believe heterosexuality is not being reinforced or even taught much in America. By the films and videos we see and by the television we watch, is there a realistic portrait of healthy heterosexual relationships being portrayed? "Friends" is the only thing that springs to mind, and that is still a little too 90210ish. (friends ramble around trying different friends until they settle on a partner) When I grew up the public schools were the stage upon which life was learned. My romantic life began in 9th grade after two harrowing years of being bussed to a tough, ghetto, predominantly African-American junior high school. It felt like my life was in danger every day, kind of like the boys of Dogtown. Phrases like "Give me some money," and "We're gonna kick your ass" were commonly heard throughout the day. The first day of school a small group of tough black kids stood and watched the new 7th grade recruits file into homeroom pledging to "kick our asses" at the end of the day. Needless to say when I arrived at a predominantly white, middle class high school with people that seemed to like me now, I relished the experience. For the first time girls were interested. Over the summer I had lost my baby fat skateboarding, and my hair had grown long for the first time. I also got my braces off. Little did I know I was primed and ready for some girly action. My first real relationship lasted 7 years, from 9th grade to juniors in college. I guess it is amazing we didn't get married, but both of us realized it wouldn't work. All that puppy lust just didn't translate into real life compatibility. She is married and has two kids now. I am still single. All these memories seem tepid in comparison to 9/11. Having to entertain the notion that there is a global conspiracy to rule the world? Man, it is a bit much to contemplate everyday. Who was it that had a little jingle on TV that sung "We are all going to die, but we can still have fun?" That is what they did in World War ll. There was a film, of which I can't remember the title, that depicted a family in war ridden Europe that continued to celebrate life in the midst of world war. They played brass band music, they drank fine Champaign, and danced all while bombs rang out around them. What is wrong with that?
We as Americans are faced with a choice. We can get up everyday, remember 9/11 and be afraid, or we can continue to live life with the joy of Christ in mind. It is true Adolph Hitler used a 'scare campaign' to frighten and incite the German people into submission to the Nazi's. He was one of the first to use infrasonic sound to produce wanted effects for political gain. Is that happening in America? If hope is all we have, then it feels right to assume that is not true. Overwhelming good can trump evil, can't it? If good just takes over and pushed evil out of the way, like Christianity is supposed to, then things will be okay, right? Well, if Extreme Muslems are the real force of evil today, they are fighting with the gloves off. So are movies like the Da Vinci Code that can plant the seeds of doubt about the real presence and meaning of God and Christianity. It is also prudent to pontificate there is 'another' regime that is using susceptible, weak, and misguided youth to fight their war for them?