Saturday, June 17, 2006

A Word About Global Warming

Many people don't know the massive hole in our Ozone layer over the South Pole was caused by the American military. The Navy had to have a reliable way to communicate with nuclear subs around the globe, so so they put a transmitter at the South Pole. Those extremely powerful electro-magnetic waves burned a hole in the ozone layer. Talk about global warming! Many people believe the Navy is responsible for the beaching of whales, because their low frequency RADAR system interferes with the communication process of whales. Tests have been performed, and the pure decibel levels of the emitted energy was enough to cause loss of hearing and death to marine animals. People are concerned about Global Warming. Al Gore is concerned. Our federal government should become concerned and stop loosening policies rather than creating and enforcing them. The Environmental Protection Agency is a joke. The Office of Noise Abatement is defunct. President Bush continues to ease legislation on the energy industry. Coal burning power plants are the dirtiest hydroflouro-carbon producers, but they are inexpensive. Suggestions have been made by Congress to make these companies spend the millions to bring them up to acceptable EPA standards, but they fail. Diesel fuel emissions account for 50% of the microdust in our air, yet personal vehicles still squeak by as "farm machinery" unregulated by EPA standards. If our government became serious about reducing pollution and lessening global warming, they could. The problem is our current government is not concerned with the environment. All these problems will be left for future generations to solve as will the price tag for Social Security and the debt of the Iraq war. It is a "spend now, pay later" process. I for one am sick of it. I am so tired of watching rich old farts gets richer, snarling in the process. Lawyers are not always the best choices for leaders. In many countries other professionals are elected leaders. Doctors and teachers and artists are all capable of leading countries, but who is better equipped to manipulate the system for their own personal gain? The answer is someone that understands our laws. Lawyers win cases, because they know more about the system. It seems more and more good judgment and wisdom no longer play a role in our judicial system. Our legal system no longer "swings." Winning cases and collecting a pay check are the only goals. Forget about the journey. It's all about the end. Therefore our government has ceased to exist on a human level. They are pawns in a flawed, automated system that continues to revolve around an invisible Mecca unknown to the public. Money, money, money, money, money as the song goes. Back to "The War on Warming." Politicians and media spew a lot of rhetoric. It is so intense sometimes it becomes absurd. Words flying and yet no one knows anything about what is happening. For global warming to occur something unique must be happening. While over-population and our mass reliance on the internal combustion engine is problematic, I do not feel that is the sole cause of global warming. There has to be another phenomenon that is causing the "global" part of global warming. Global implies there is a unified cause. It seems to imply a particular thing is heating our planet like a giant blow dryer. Global implies a singular event is transpiring unwatched causing catastrophic damage to the environment. If Al Gore is right, the polar ice caps are beginning to melt. What possible man made thing could overcome the furies of nature, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, floods, and earthquakes and bring the planet to an untimely death? My answer is infrasound. While I have stood on the infrasound soap box before, it is in this post I will explain its possible effects on global warming. Considering the world is large, for global warming to occur heat must travel long distances. Without major changes in weather patterns there must be a man made mechanism in place that is pumping heat around the globe. How is this heat produced? That is the simple part. Go stand behind a running jet airplane. Put your hand on the engine compartment of any automobile. If you could without being arrested, walk up and observe a diesel-electric locomotive in action. What is the by product of their use? Heat, and lots of it. If it weren't for infrasound, that heat would probably rise like evaporating rain water. It will probably effect our planet in some way or other, but it may not contribute to the melting of the polar ice caps. Bring infrasound into the picture and you have a much more undesirable phenomenon. Infrasound is characterized by an ability to cover long distances and get around obstacles with little dissipation. Possibly the first observation of naturally-occurring infrasound was in the aftermath of the Krakatoa eruption in 1883, when concussive acoustic waves circled the globe seven times or more and were recorded on barometers worldwide. (thanks to Wikipedia for that definition!) We now know that infrasound waves travel great distances. How does that create global warming, and what is an infrasound wave? An infrasound wave is a normal sound wave (rapidly oscillating air) with a frequency too low to be perceived as sound by the human ear. It simply is moving air. Higher frequencies dissipate more quickly. Lower frequency sounds travel easily because their wavelengths are long. A 2 Hertz infrasound wave has a wavelength of about 1,100 feet. That means you will never feel the full amplitude of the wave until after it completes that one cycle. Therefore the effects of infrasound occur long distances away. The low E string on an electric bass guitar is a good example. I discovered mixing albums in the studio, you must stand back at least one wave length from the speakers in the control room to hear the true volume of the bass. If the wavelength is ten feet long, then you have to be that far away to hear its true volume. The same is true for infrasound, but instead of hearing sound you feel pressure on your body. When you add to the equation an infrasound wave that is continuous, you not only get a wave that travels great distances but gets stronger the further it travels. Each completion of the wave is summed with the previous ones. Place a heat source near the producer of the infrasound wave, and you literally are pumping heat around the globe. What man made machines are doing this? I'll bet you can guess. It is time to get worried and get something done.