Monday, June 12, 2006

The International War Tribunal

What I am wondering is why is Saddam Hussein is being tried in a politically unstable, chaotic, war zone. If Saddam indeed was the arch enemy of the US and other countries, why we would we, the United Nations, or the EU decided to extradite him back to his own country to be tried? Is there an international law that says he is allowed to be tried on his own native soil? This seems like a joke. Amidst war, sectarian violence, governmental instability, and general anarchy, how would he ever received a fair and impartial trial? To turn Saddam back over to Iraq to be tried seems like the most irresponsible act in recent memory. Daily we hear reports of assassinations of political figures, weaknesses in the security forces, and delays of establishment of a stable governing body, yet we relinquished what we believed to be the mastermind of "weapons of mass destruction." The International War Tribunal in the Hague is the only logical choice of justice for Mr. Hussein. How can any official suggest a double standard for the genocidic war crimes in Bosnia compared to the atrocities in Saddam's history? If Slobodan Milosevic was assigned this fate, which he was, Saddam should also be there being held in captivity. Then we might have hope he might die of a heart attack before injustice could be carried out.