Saturday, May 27, 2006

Parks and Drugs in 'Nam

And by the way, our wonderful parks. That's where you buy drugs. Pull into any of our parks at any given time and there are all these cars pulled in backward waiting for" ye old drug man". The Barrio. Watts. Call a spade a spade, please. No spin here. Inforce the laws. Illegal window tinting. It's an epidemic. Speeding through Haymount, 20 m.p.h. But, my friends, skateboarding is against the law, or at least they will give you a hundred dollar fine for doing it in Mr. Player's front yard. America? Oh, and the biggest killer. A while back they decided all the GI's were drinking too much, all that time in the field with no women. Seems now we can't decide for ourselfs how much beer we can drink. It has to be legislated. All bars that don't serve 50% or more food, they become "private" clubs. Can't walk into a joint and buy a cold beer on a 100 degree day. Gotta be a MEMBER. Social skills? Let's let common Joe Blow develop a complex about buying. "Can't go in there. They are going to stop me at the door and humiliate me. You can't come in here, boy! You got to be a member. Members only, just like Highland Country Club. Exclusive. Money only. The common man has lost his rights. Gotta go where WE say you go. Huske Hardware. What happened to AJ's? The Flamingo Club? The Pink Pussycat? Bottoms Up? The town had color back then. What do we have now?

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