Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Nobody Reads This Shite Anyway!?

Well, I tried to get my blog Google friendly. I read their suggestion page and even submitted my title. Seems none of their "crawlers" has crawled their way up this pipe. It has been many moons, and after reading my previous posts I feel extremely ignorant. What has happened to me? Four months in Fayettenam, and my brain has turned to Swiss cheese. Trains, planes, and the flying twinks of the 82nd Airborne. Twinks did you say? Isn't a "twink" a gay man that is sexually promiscuous? Google gay military and see what you cum up with. There was a site right around near here where them gay boy Twinkies was suckin' and @#$%%^in' and postin' their filth on the internet. They got busted. Bust a twink, not a rhyme. A few of them boys got ousted from the Army. They closed down the site. Good. Now the Gilbert Theatre is doing Rocky Horror Picture Show. Another drag queen milleau. Just show me the "straight" Jerry, show me the "straight," please.......!!!
This is a dismal place. Not Columbus, Ohio where I used to dwell. Fayettenam, the future of the auto industry. Half way between Miami and New York on I-95. What better place could you want to live except a place where 25 focking trains come through every day. Oh, the hang out at Ft. Bragg too. There is this one engine with a tritone as a horn. It just sort of groans. Starts early in the morning on the weekends and just kind of putters around all weekend long, groaning. The thing never sees a rest. CSX has been turning the engines off now when they are not in use. That is a small miracle in itself, but this thing. I couldn't figure out if it belonged to the Aberdeen and Snotfish or to the Army. They have AC traction locomotives too, but they dwell in a bunker down by the river. Oops, I mean a bunker down under, from under your balls. I mean in a bunker hidden from view, stinking up the place with cockroach style. Two solid weeks of that vibration and noise and here we come Colombine High. Let's shoot some shit up! Yea man, I'm doin' it. They like my moves. The Zephyr team.
I have given up on the this country and the human race for the most part. Out government doesn't give a rat's arse about us, "We the people." Now if we were "We the rich," that would be different. Exxon/Mobile posted the highest earnings of any business in the history of the United States, was it 8 billion in three months? What's Bush gonna do now? Greed. Man, what a drag. Socialism doesn't seem that bad anymore, does it? Provide for the common good in return for some work. That good old Soviet Union, she be gone. Dried up, withered away, defunctatude. We don't have to worry about them, only "One World Order." Outsource your jobs and leave the infrastructure of the US in a shambles. "Not much going out in them shipping ports. Lots of shite coming in from, where? China?" Hey Mr. Yang. Could you de-value the yen a little and help us out partner? Just kind of say your economy ain't doing so well against our dilapidated dollar. Not much to be an American these days. It downright sucks. I have no faith or trust in "our" country, but I haven't found a new one yet. I am still looking, if I am not dead first.

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